85 | Genio | Daisy Blue World

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Book: Daisy Blue World by RGNPBTLV 

Reviewer: Genio | wOt_iS_tHiS_LiFe 

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Title: [4/5]

Makes sense, based on the blurb. Creative, sounds good.

Cover: [5/5]

The cover looked so nice!! It was pretty and simple and the colors were so nice together!!

Blurb/Synopsis: [4/5]

Very descriptive!! It told me what the story was about without telling me the whole plot. It was amazing, the way it was written was beautiful. I would recommend possibly trying to make it shorter, but honestly, it was excellent.

Genre: [5/5]

Romance and mystery both fit in, I think. The romance is for sure shown with Bryson's reaction and thoughts towards/about Daisy. The mystery, (if I'm correct-), is more about Daisy.

Originality: [9/10]

It's interesting how the first actual chapters were from the boys perspective, that's not something you see too often. Also, Daisy being unable to speak was interesting, I've never really read a story like that.

Description: [8/10]

Good descriptions, even if it wasn't too much detail, you still described locations most of the time, something I don't often see.

Character Development: [9/10]

You describe your characters well, and get into more detail about them as the story progresses.

Plot [9/10]

Plot makes sense, some of the events are seemingly random but are all there for a reason. Like, it'll be mentioned, then built on later.

Grammar: [10/15]

I did notice the fact that the story switches from past to present tense multiple times, along with the fact that you would use the wrong word, an example being you would use the word "innocent" when it should've been "innocence". Just simple things like that.

Structure: [4/5]

New paragraphs started in the correct places, paragraphs aren't too long but aren't just like a sentence each. Also, (don't know where to add this so I'm just putting it here-), I did notice that at one point in particular, the word "me" was used instead of "him" or "he" or "his".

Vocabulary/Spelling: [6/10]

Spelling was pretty good, but occasionally you would miss a letter in a word, you would put "mezmerize" when it should be "mesmerized". In this example, you just missed a 'd', but things like that can be confusing. Overall, your vocabulary was great. On another note, there were some times where the way you worded sentences was kind of confusing though, like you possibly missed a word, or should slightly reword the sentence.

Eg: "Rubbing his right hand on his eyes, trying to wipe away and lessen the sleep-deprived on it."

To help this sentence make more sense, assuming I'm correctly interpreting what you meant in it, I would recommend changing it to something like this:

"Rubbing his right hand over his eyes, he attempted to wipe away and lesson the sleep deprivation from them."

Overall Enjoyment: [9/10]

Overall, the story was very interesting, it just had some grammatical and spelling errors, which made it a little bit hard to read.

Total: [82/100]

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