Michael Langdon (1)

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Micheal Langdon x Reader

It was a excruciating hot summer day

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It was a excruciating hot summer day. The heat beamed down on you and sweat poured down your face,making you feel like you were about to melt.
You let out a aggravated sigh and laid back against the soft grass. You had no idea how in the world you let Micheal talk you into coming out on such a hot day. You were absolutely miserable
"Micheal," you groaned whipping the sweat from off your forehead
"Is this what hell feels like?"
Micheal,who was unphased by the blistering heat and nose deep in a book,looked up at you and chuckled.
The sun glowed on him making him seem bright and have a childlike glow. But his dark and heavy clothes looked the opposite. You couldn't understand why he wore what he was wearing and how he wasn't dripping in sweat just like you.
"My dear,I think your being a bit of a drama queen."

You rolled your eyes at his comment and groaned some more. Miserable was now a understatement as you sat there longer.
"If you're so hot then take your clothes off,y/n"
You looked up at the boy. His nose was back in his book and when he noticed you looking at him,he looked down at you with a raised brow.
"You're joking."
You laughed a little at him but when he didn't even crack a smile nor a playful smirk,you raised yourself up on your elbows with eyebrows shot up in surprise
"Wait you're not joking? I'm not gonna get naked out in public."
You protested and cover your chest that was still clothed but the thought had already made you embarrassed
"We're in the middle of a field,my dear. No one ever comes out here you'll be fine and feel a lot better."
Micheal shrugged and went back to reading. You blinked a couple times still shocked
"Or you can sit there and sweat to death. Its your choice."
You thought it over and looked around. He was right about no one ever coming out here. The two of you had found this secluded spot years ago and all the time and hours spent out here together you never saw a single soul. It was always felt like it was just you two in the world and it was comforting.
"Okay," you said "I'll do it but only if you do too."
Micheal sat his book down on the grass and smirked
"You're not embarrassed of getting naked are You? I've seen your body many times you don't have to be embarrassed,trust me."
You felt your cheeks get hotter this time from the flustered feeling and not the weather.
"But since I like how cute you look blushing I suppose I will with you."
He began to unbutton his black shirt.
You sat there shocked again with no words as he neatly sat it next to him. When he began to fiddle with his belt,you knew that he definitely was not joking.
Before he could ask why you weren't following him,you stripped off your sweat soaked tank top. The feeling of the fabric not being stuck to you and having what little bit of breeze there was hit your body was like heaven.
Soon the two of you both sat naked. It was awkward and you couldn't stop yourself from looking around.
Micheal,who now resembled a Greek God,laid back on the grass. His eyes were closed and a smile was on his face as he soaked in the sun.
You laid next to him suddenly feeling relaxed and less nervous.
You picked at the grass and wild flowers comfortably.
"You look absolutely beautiful in the sun."
You looked down at Micheal who was smiling up at you.
He rolled over on his side so he was facing you more and smiled. He trailed his fingers up your thigh and side before twisting them in the ends of your hair.
"T-thank you,Micheal." You stuttered from the softness of his touch. Micheal seemed to always show you a different type of love everyday. It was something you adored about him.
He smiled in response and laid back in the grass. He grabbed his book again and began to read.
"Can you read to me?"
You laid your head against his chest as you asked the question. You were now cooled enough to be able to lay against him and not stick together from sweat.
You looked at the page and you felt him hum with joy.

"Of course I can."
Micheal cleared his throat and began to read the poetic pages of his book.
You smiled brightly and closed your eyes as you listened,feeling at peace.
This would be a memory you would certainly keep forever.

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