Harry Gardner (1)

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Harry Gardner x reader

Harry Gardner x reader "Sadderdaze"

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The script was destroying him.
Hours of starting at a blank screen then typing words just to erase them quicker then when he typed.
Harry could almost feel himself slip into madness. So much,he just wanted to punch a hole in his laptop screen.
He slammed the laptop close with anger before rubbing the bridge between his eyes with tiredness.
As he did so he caught glimpse of the figure laying on the couch just a few steps away from his desk.
He looked at you as you slept before glancing over at the clock.
It was almost four in the morning and the guilt he always felt started to fill his gut.
He had been going crazy over this script for going on a week and had never took to consideration for how you felt. Every night before he let exhaustion take over he would think about how he never spoke a word to you throughout the day. He could recall the sadness in your eyes when you offered to read what he had wrote or when you tried to feed him only to get turned down and brushed away with a quickness.
Harry had decided it was time not to let the guilt tear him away. It had been bad enough that this script was getting ready to destroy whatever creativity flowed throughout his brain.
He stood up from his computer chair and moved over to where you laid. There was just enough room for him to sit down on the couch and he admired you for a second.
He loved every feature of yours even when you slept. You were his muse after all,giving him inspiration by doing anything.
He rubbed the strands of hair back that covered your face before moving his thumb along the softness of your skin.
The gentle touch was still enough to wake you up from your sleep.
You slowly blinked your eyes and looked at Harry as he still looked down at you.
"Harry," you spoke in between yawns "is everything alright?" 
You propped yourself up on your elbow to get a better glance up at him.
You watched as he nodded then let out a sigh of what sounded like defeat.
"I'm letting this script get to me just like I've done before," he explained "and I feel like the worlds worst writer and boyfriend. I can't even write a simple plot for a tv show or show my partner the same affection I'm supposed to."
Harry scratched at the back of his neck as he talked. A nervous habit of his that you had picked up on throughout the years.
Seeing the nerves in his body language and hearing the sound of failure in his voice,you finally sat up all the way.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight,trying to show a bit of comfort.
"Harry,you can't bring yourself down thinking like this. It's no wonder your driving yourself insane. Your brain can't process what to do in between all your crazy thoughts."
You playfully tapped at his head which earned you a small smile from Harry.
"I think you're a very talented person and a incredible partner. I couldn't possibly ask for a better person to call my lover than you."
He listened as you spoke. Each word slowly bringing the guilt that shook his body to a stop.
"I still shouldn't put you on the back burner like that."
You nodded in agreement
"You're right but you really shouldn't let your work leave you a empty shell. Don't let your talent drive you to madness. Sometimes even the best need to stop and take breaks."
Your words made him smile more and it was now his turn to nod in agreement.
"Now," you said standing up from off the couch and still holding his hand "it's late and your exhausted. We can talk more in the morning but for now let's go get some proper sleep in a bed."

Sorry for such a late update! I've had the worst writers luck I started this in September and kept changing ideas. I didn't want to go much longer without a update so enjoy this for now while I try and think of a better ending and more ideas for imagines

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