Kit Walker (1)

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Kit walker x reader
"You're in love with her"

The room hung in silence as Kit sat at the dinner table

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The room hung in silence as Kit sat at the dinner table.
His girlfriend of sometime had invited him over for dinner,simply stating that they needed to have a talk.
The plates had already been made but not a single word came from either side.
In fact,neither of them had even touched their food.
Kit blinked in confusion and just as he was about to open his mouth to say something,she spoke up instead.
"So," she finally spoke up "I heard your childhood friend,y/n,was back in town."
She dug her fork into her salad but never brought it up to her mouth as she spoke. It looked as though she had been doing it for a dramatic effect but maybe she couldn't find the appetite she thought she had.
Now it was Kit's turn to say something.
She looked at him and he already knew.
The mention of y/n's name now suddenly froze him once more.
Kit was known for telling stories of his childhood mostly the funny memories like most people would.
However,every story involved y/n.
They were once inseparable. If you seen one then you knew the other was close by.
Kit would be lying if he said that after all those years he never once caught feelings for y/n.
He'd also be lying if he said his world didn't
crumble to pieces when she broke the news that she was leaving their hometown for good.
Kit was heartbroken that first year without y/n. He couldn't even get the courage to leave his house but as the years went on and she never came back,he managed to dig himself out the hole he was once in.
He figured he moved on.
He had a new girlfriend and ran his own little shop.
Sure,half the time he always felt like their was something missing and was never really happy but he got through the days just like he did before y/n left.
Then she came back.
The moment he seen y/n again was the moment something changed in Kit.
He never thought it was that serious enough for his current girlfriend to think anything but now as he sat across from her at that dinner table and it suddenly came to him.
He blinked once more before clearing his throat.
"Yeah,that's right. She stopped in on her way to go see her folks."
Kit screamed at himself in his head to keep it casual. It's just a feeling that'll leave once she does. We'll at least that's what he told himself at that moment.
His girlfriend nodded,finally taking a bite of her food. Kit followed behind wanting to make things less awkward and more like the dinners they shared before.
"Kit I see the way you look at her and I here all the stories about how things were." His girlfriend spoke up again "I know that you're in love with her."
Silence hung in the air. They both looked at each other,Kit's face getting red as his girlfriend called him out. He went to protest but deep down he knew she was right.

Kit was madly in love with you and no matter how much he convinced himself he wasn't,it would never be true.
"You're not mine,Kit. I think you need to go to her before she leaves again."
His girlfriend stood up from the table and walked towards the kitchen sink.
Kit walker behind her but she turned around before he could do anything or say anything
"Kit I'm serious you need to leave. Don't let me be the reason to upset you..."
Kit went to open his mouth to say something but she held her hand up stopping him.
Kit knew it was over for them both but yet he wasn't sad or upset. In fact,he was happy.
So without hesitation,he took off.
He nearly ran to his car at the thought of finally proclaiming his love for you.
He just hoped you would feel the same.

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