Tate Langdon (2)

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Tate Langdon x Reader

You dipped your hand into the popcorn bowl and made a face as the gorey film Tate had picked flashed on the television screen

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You dipped your hand into the popcorn bowl and made a face as the gorey film Tate had picked flashed on the television screen.
"Do we have to watch something so gross?"
You complained,popping a piece of popcorn into your mouth. Tate,whose eyes were glued to the tv,smirked at your comment.
"It's Halloween what else are we supposed to watch?"
His sarcastic question made you roll your eyes
"How about a classic like Halloween or Friday the 13th?"
Tate didn't answer but instead kept watching the movie,laughing at a real bloody part.
"You're so gross." You teased and tossed a piece of popcorn at his head.
His eyes moved away from the screen and over to you.
"Im gross?" He questioned with a smile "but you love me so I guess that makes you gross."
You stuck your tongue out at him which earned you one of his playful laughs. It was almost childlike and was your favorite. It was the pure and sweet side of him you and only you got to enjoy.
Tate grabbed the remote that laid next to you and flipped pause on the movie
"I gotta pee."
He got up and stretched before doing what he always did which was hopping over the couch instead of going around it.
You heard his loud footsteps and then the bathroom door close.
You put some more popcorn in your mouth and patiently waited for your boyfriend to come back.
The quick couple minutes you thought he would be gone soon got longer.
If you were at another place you wouldn't have even cared but you were at Tates house. His house always gave you the creeps. The floorboards creaked with every step making it hard to tell if it was the old pipes or someone wandering in the halls. Not to mention the constant feeling of being watched in every room even when you were alone.
You nibbled at your bottom lip and looked around,hoping to see Tate.
You called out,expecting to hear his familiar voice. When you didn't hear him call back you got worried.
The bathroom was certainly not that far he could have heard you.
You called to him again this time louder and when you still didn't get a response,you got up.
"Tate this isn't funny you know I don't like this house."
You pushed open the bathroom door and stared at it empty.
That same creepy feeling you always got came tingling down your spin.
You screamed his name,picking up your pace as you began to look around. When you past by the basement door you heard a noise. It was loud enough to make you stop in your tracks. You never went into the basement. The rest of the house was scary enough.
The door was cracked enough that you could see a light
"Tate are you down there?"
When you called another bang was heard from down the steps.
You gulped and pushed the door open,slowly making your way down the steps.
It smelled like musk and the air was moist. More chills ran down your spin as you descended lower. When your feet touched the basement ground you knew it was a little too late to turn around and act like none of this was happening.
"Tate if you're down here this isn't funny," you said "now come on out so we can finish your stupid movie."
Silence still hung in the air. When you turned around to walk back up,a box in the darkest corner tipped over.
You jumped nearly out your skim and whisked around in that direction. It was basically pitch black in the corner and you couldn't tell if it was a pile of boxes or something else.
"T-tate?" You said quietly now too scared to call out
You inched your way close to the corner. You were shaking and could feel your heart thumping heavily.
You reached your hand out to touch what was in the corner and felt nothing but cardboard.
Your body instantly relaxed and you let out a happy sigh.
That didn't last long though.
You screamed in terror as something wrapped their arms around you. Now you felt nothing but cold leather. You began to fight your way from the grip and when you freed yourself,a man in a leather suit from feet to face stood before you.
Your heart raced but the fear on your face quickly vanished as that familiar laugh rang the room.
"Tate Langdon!" You hissed,hitting your hands repeatedly on the boys leather covered chest.
He reached behind his head and took the mask off. Tate laughed more and tears rolled down his cheeks from laughing so hard.
"You should have seen the look on your face." He spoke in between laughs.
You glared at him and crossed your arms on your chest.
"Aw babe don't be mad! You said you wanted to watch a classic. So I brought it to life for you."
Tate wrapped his arms around your shoulder and pulled you into a hug. You didn't hug back and kept your arms crossed.
"I scared you."
You huffed at his comment
"No you didn't. You just startled me because you're a jerk."
Tate pulled back and looked down at you. He saw the look on your face and his amused smile vanished. He placed his fingers under your chin and lifted your head up so you were now looking at him. His eyes softened.
"Im really sorry,y/n. It was just a Halloween prank I didn't mean to take it too far."
He kissed the top of your forehead and you sighed. He always had a way to make you stop being mad at him even when you didn't want to.
"It's okay. Let's just go finish the movie."
Tate smiled and interlocked his fingers with yours,running his thumb along your hand.
"No you don't like the movie. Let's just eat some candy and lay down together."
His voice was soft and quiet. Another side of him you got to enjoy all to yourself and that was his empathy. He was sincere when it came to you. Always apologizing and meaning every bit of it.
As much as you wanted to keep the irrated look on your face the thought of cuddling and eating candy with Tate was a thought that you couldn't help but to smile at
"I would like that a lot." You said smiling more. When you looked up Tate was smiling as well
"I would like that just as much. Now c'mon ill let you pick which movie to watch."

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