Violet Harmon (1)

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Violet Harmon x reader
"Cemetery romance"

You don't know why you always followed Violet Harmon on her rebellious adventures

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You don't know why you always followed Violet Harmon on her rebellious adventures.
Could it have been since the two of you had been inseparable best friends since the first grade? Or was it the undying love for her that burned in your heart?
Either one it was has lead you sitting on someone's tombstone as you ditched school,watching Violet smoke away on her cigarette.
The cloudy morning grey sky made Violet's skin extra pale. She looked like a porcelain doll in a haunted house. She looked up from the book she was reading and caught your eyes on her.
You quickly looked away,blush warming up your face.
"Is something wrong?"
She asked,blowing cigarette smoke out and taking another drag.
"No,i think i must have zoned out for a second."
Violet nodded before tossing her cigarette in a random direction. She got up from the tombstone she sat on and stared at it. You never understood her fascination with death but never asked questions about it. Everyone had weird interest.
"Died January 18th,1876." Violet read rubbing her fingers on the worn out stone
"What a drag."
She moved her hand off of it and began to walk around the cemetery,reading off some death dates every now and then.
You watched her with fascination,heart thumping with each movement she made.
She made looking at graves so angelic and beautiful. It was weird you thought but you couldn't help the feeling.
Before you could think or do anything,thunder disrupted the quiet.
It began to sprinkle at first as you got up.
When you made it to violet to ask if she wanted to head to her house,it began to pour down.
Violet laughed as the rain fell on her. She span in a circle,her dr martins getting muddy and squeaking from the water.

ut when the rain picked up more and the two of you now began to shiver from being wet and cold,you both ran towards an old church. It was a old one that sat directly in the middle of the cemetery. It must have been used for funerals but now from how old and worn out it was,it was abandoned. Squatters had broke down the wood that was nailed to the door so it was easy access for anyone to get into.
The wood floors creaked loudly as you both ran into it. There was a hole in the ceiling on one side not large but just enough for the little bit of light that was outside to get in and even some rain.
You noticed blankets and little lamps in the back area of the small building. Your heart thumped with fear,thinking someone else was here. But when you watched violet plop down onto the blankets the puzzle pieces were put together.
"That's your stuff?"
You asked and walked towards her. Violet took off her wet jacket and pulled out a sweater that was hid under some things she must have put there on purpose.
"Yeah," she said causally "I sneak out here to stay some nights. I cant stand to be at home. Things have gotten real awkward between my mom and dad." She rolled her eyes and laid back on the blankets,kicking off her wet boots.
You sat on the floor next to her. You stayed quiet for a second,listening to the sound of rain hitting the roof and some dripping on the inside.
"How come you didn't tell me? You know you could always stay with me. It could be dangerous staying here alone at night."
Violet smiled as you spoke with such concern and worry. She reached in her pocket and pulled out her somehow still dry pack of cigarettes. She put one in-between her lips and lit it.
"Youre the only one who actually worries about me." She said taking a drag "but its fine here. No one ever visits this cemetery. This can be our club house like we had when we were kids. Our safe place."
You laughed at the memory of the club house you two had when you were younger. Violet let out a small giggle but you noticed the sadness that still lingered in her eyes.
You grabbed her hand in response.
"Vi,you know you will always have me by your side. Parents suck but you dont have to hide out when you can come to me."
You squeezed her hand and out of nowhere she began to cry. Her cigarette wasn't close to being done or half way but she put it out. She sniffled and whimpered as you pulled her in for a hug.
"Violet,I love you."
You said without a care. You squeezed her tight and didn't want to let go.
When you did,you leaned down still not thinking. You placed a small kiss onto her soft lips. The sparks of feelings that now warmed up your freezing body was enough to snap you back into reality. You pulled back from the kiss with wide eyes,feeling like you just took advantage of Violet's sadness for your own selfish feelings. You couldn't loose Violet as a friend
"Oh no," you said stuttering a bit "I didn't mean to. I just have felt this way for so long."
Violet cut the rest of what you were going to say off by wrapping her arms around your waist. She pulled herself closer to you and cuddled up to you as you sat up a bit more.
"I feel the same way. You're something special." She said softly and holding onto you tighter
"Please hold me."
You stared at the sensitive girl with confusion. Everything had just happened so quick and to think she shared the same feelings. You stopped your overthinking by wrapping your arms back around her as she held you. Holding her just as she asked you to. In that moment,in a abandoned church in the middle of a spooky cemetery,you felt the most peace you ever have because of the love you and violet shared.
This was a moment you would never forget.
The start of a new love.

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