Jimmy Darling (1)

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"Just a game"

Jimmy Darling x reader

You never thought you would catch yourself up in such a ridiculous act

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You never thought you would catch yourself up in such a ridiculous act. You and your group of so called friends were playing a harmless game of truth and dare. Everyone went around getting the usual dares and questions like is it true you have a crush on so and so or I dare you to prank call the neighbors next door or eat something nasty. But when it came to your turn,you had a feeling it would be something crazy. You had never understood what your friends problems were. Ever since elementary school the group had remained so close but by the time high school had reached you felt distance from them. You often felt like you weren't wanted around or used just for their amusement.
Your blonde friend smirked as she reached under her bed and pulled out what looked to be a flier of some sort.
"You're gonna do a dare." She said not giving you the normal question of picking what you wanted. She held the flier in the air for the rest of you all to see and on it was advertisement of some freak show.
"I dare you to sneak around their tonight and see if its real."
And with that question thats how you ended up where you were now. Your friend took her father's truck keys and you all loaded up in it. You drove to the outer part of your town and when you got close to the freak show they kicked you out. Telling you don't bother coming back to the sleep over if you didn't have some kind of proof you actually went.

eing as these were your only "friends" and the fear of rejection that weighed on you like a boulder,you quietly and shakily made your way to the huge tents.
It looked just like any other circus that would come to town and it smelled like one too. The only difference was the huge face and mouth that resembled the devil almost which you had to walk under to enter.
You stayed lowkey,dragging your sadal shoes along the dirt ground as you peeked around.
Everyone had to either be asleep or not there because the air clung with silence.
You made your way to a old tattered looking trailer and peeked in the window.
It definitely looked like someone was living in it. It was lit up and you tried to get a better look,hoping to see something interesting in there to tell your friends so you could just hurry up and leave. As you pushed yourself up more on your tippy toes,someone grabbed you by the shoulders and twisted you around making your dress swirl and you almost tripping on your feet.
"What do you think you're doing? Are you some kind of spy or something?"
A boy practically yelled in your face that was inches away from his. You looked in horror and felt your body tremble in fear.
"N-no." You finally said "My friends and I were just playing a game and i-"
The boy cut you off with a aggravated huff
"Just a game? Whats wrong with you people using us as some kind of game? We're not some kind of animals."
"Oh n-no," you stuttered again "I mean well I wasn't trying to cause any harm. My friends dared me and if I didn't have something interesting to tell them then I couldn't go back and honestly I'm not sure how far I am from home."
The boys angry face softened and he crossed his arms against his chest. That's when you noticed his deformed lobster like hands. You quickly looked at his face not wanting to be rude by staring.
"That doesn't sound like much friends to me." He said and began to look you up and down. You felt your cheeks heat up and you grabbed the end of your dress and looked down.
"Im Jimmy," he informed "Jimmy Darling."
You looked up at him and seen he was now smiling. It was a soft and sweet smile which was enough to make you blush even more.
"Im y/n. I'm really sorry I trespassed like this I can just leave."
Jimmy grabbed ahold of your hand as you went to turn around. His grip was hard for his hand in such a condition
"A girl like you shouldn't be wandering the streets at night like this. Haven't you heard about the murders."
Fear filled the pit of your stomach as he spoke. You suppose he wasn't trying to intentionally scare you but when a stranger grabs you and mentions something as horrific as that its quite nerve wracking and your fight or flight senses begin to kick in. You gulped and nodded
"I guess you're right I almost forgot about them." Your voice was quiet and enough to make him notice the discomfort on your face. He let go of your hand and moved his head to the direction of a large tent.
"C'mon ill introduce you around and by dawn I'll walk you towards town. Its too risky to walk at night alone like this."
You nodded in agreement and shyly followed behind him. You were soon greeted by loud talking and a huge long table with lots of people gathered around it. The noise got silent quick as all eyes landed on you. A extremely tall woman who held an extremely tiny one,smirked up at the two of you.
"Where'd you manage to find a friend like this so late."
"So pretty!" The tiny one squeaked,smiling widely at you.
You shyly gave another laugh and looked down at your shoes
"Oh shes a shy one!" You looked up again to see a woman with a thick beard. Yours eyes widened and you quickly looked away again still not wanting to be rude.
When you were in a place with so many unique differences all around  it was kind of hard to not look at something. 
Jimmy cleared his throat and moved his arm forward to signal you to walk further in.
He began to introduce you one by one. Everyone was friendly and had unique personalities making the atmosphere fun and energetic.
You talked for hours laughing and warming up to everyone,especially Jimmy. You had more in common then you would have thought at first glance.
You didn't know how many hours were passing but the loud and friendly room soon got quiet when a older woman walked into the room.
She looked very intimidating and her vibe was off from the rest of everyone.
"What is this?" She asked in a heavy accent. She walked closer in and her eyes landed on you.
"Who's this?"
The bearded lady you learned who was Jimmy's mother wrapped he arms around your shoulder,it was comforting you couldn't help but to think.
"Elsa this is Jimmy's friend,y/n. He was just about to get her back home it was too late for them to be wandering around with all them murders and-"
"If this ruins our show and she talks bad about us we'll be done for. This was very sloppy of you all. Jimmy you take her home now." She dismissed everyone by pointing her two fingers towards the door.
Jimmy gave you a bright smile and grabbed your hand like he had done earlier only this time you held it back.
"Don't worry about Elsa," he said with a playful roll of his eyes "c'mon I wanna show you something before you leave."
He pulled you along the door and pass Elsa who had her eyes nearly glued on you. You couldn't help but to shiver from the look im her eyes.
Jimmy pulled you outside. The sun was starting to peek making the outside look so surreal.
He dragged you along until you got towards a very large Farris wheel.
"Wait we're getting on this?" You asked. Before he could answer the same tall woman from before popped up next to the operating machine
"You're aren't scared of heights now are you?" Jimmy asked with a smirk.
"No,I just haven't been on one of these since I was a little girl!" The excitement in your voice made Jimmy smile more and he opened the seat,waiting for you to get in and sit.
He said as he sat down next to you and she strapped close the seat before turning on the ferris wheel. It began to escend and the seat rocked as it moved higher.
You could see the sunrise as your seat stopped at the very top.
"It's beautiful."
You said in awe as you began to watch the sun start to peek up and the dark sky light up more.
For the first time you awhile you felt happiness. You never had this much fun or excitement with your "friends". In fact,you have never felt yourself smile so much in the presence of others.
"Can I be honest with you,Jimmy?" You asked looking at the boy with a soft smile.
"I've never felt so welcomed by people so much in my life than I have here. I feel like I'm just at home."
Without thinking twice,you leaned over and placed a kiss on the boys cheek. It was as a thank you for making your night so much better than it had started.
Jimmy chuckled and you watched a pink hue light up on his face.
"Im glad you of all people got caught sneaking around here," he said with a smirk "I hope to see you in the same spot tomorrow?"
When he asked the question the seat you two were in had stopped at the bottom. Eve cranked the machine close and opened up the heavy belt that strapped you and Jimmy in.
Once you two had gotten out and began to head towards the exit was when you finally answered his question.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow night the same place."
Jimmy smiled at your answer
"Sounds like a plan,doll. Now let's get you home safe."


Yikes this one was kind of bad and I didn't know it had gotten so long which is why it got super rushed towards the middle and end. Anyway,please please request me something!!

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