~14: Unfriendly Eyes~

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I don't think this is Vroengard. Vanya said warily as they approached. She consulted her map, and then glanced at the island again. Vroengard had more branches of island, like fingers stretching out to the ocean.

Kaldar looked at the map though Vanya's mind, while still looking at the island. Let's land, just to be sure. If anything seems amiss, we can leave immediately, but I am tired, and I do not wish to spend any more of the energy in that gem. We may need it later.

The island approached quickly, and Kaldar landed on the dirt ground, looking at their surroundings. 

The dirt ground that they were now standing on slowly turned into soft grass the father in toward the middle of the island it got.

Trees grew, at first sparsely, but slowly thicker as they got towards the middle of the island. Reaching out with her mind, Vanya felt the minds of many creatures watching them, and spoke to Kaldar, Do you need to hunt at all? I'm not sure if it's completely safe here...

I can wait. Kaldar said, looking into the trees, to see if he could catch a glimpse of one of these creatures.

We can at least rest here. Vanya said. I'll take the first watch, as well as try to store more energy into the gem. 

Kaldar nodded, laying down on the dirt and closing his eyes. Wake me if anything of interest occurs. He told her, before drifting off to sleep.

Vanya crossed her legs, sitting next to Kaldar and looking into the trees warily.

Feeling the minds, she sensed many strange creatures, some of whom recoiled at her touch. "Strange." she murmured, "Eka ai fricai un Shur'tugal." she spoke in the ancient language aloud, feeling their reactions to it.

Minutes ticked away into hours, and Vanya occasionally repeated the phrase: "I am a rider and a friend," in the ancient language.

After her saying this again, she saw movement in the tree line. Her eyes narrowed, trying to see what it was.

A great animal came forward. It was a pale while, and looked like a tiger, with dark brown stripes on it. However, after studying the stripes more closely, Vanya realize that they were runes of the ancient language. Her eyes widened, and she read them quickly, although the words were scattered about on his fur coat.

Then suddenly a mental probe smashed at her defenses, shattering them, and snapping Kaldar out of his sleep.

Vanya started chanting, "Far to the east, in the land of dragons, a destiny lies for you to claim. Claim it well, fulfill it well, it will be your guide in coming times." over and over she repeated the poem, fighting back her own memories at the same time, which threatened to break her concentration.

Using her own mental daggers, she reached for the threat, realizing with astonishment that it came from the tiger. Kaldar joined minds with Vanya, and together they held his attacks off, before suddenly they stopped, and the tiger just stood there, watching them. Flicking his ears back and forth, he slunk back into the tree line, where he disappeared from sight.

We should leave. Kaldar spoke, his deep voice echoing in Vanya's mind.

But his attacks seemed to have stopped. Vanya reasoned, And you need more rest. Go back to sleep. If he attacks again, then we will leave.

Morning came, and Vanya guiltily awoke with a start, realizing she had slipped into a light sleep. Looking around herself, she noted that Kaldar was also sleeping, and that her satchel was laying on the dirt, the clasp not fully closed.

She grabbed the bag and searching through it to check if anything was missing.

"Of course there is." She muttered angrily to herself, searching the bag to make sure they were actually gone. A whole loaf of bread had disappeared, as well as the completed map of Alagaesia. However, Vanya's own partial map had been so kindly left behind. "Which won't do much good." she smacked her fist into the dirt, wincing as it made contact with force.

Kaldar. Vanya woke him up with a resigned tone.

What? He asked, instantly alert. Are we under attack? His manner was defensive, and ready to fight.

No. Just supplies stolen. Vanya sighed, knowing that inevitably the information would come out, added, I fell asleep.

What's missing? He seemed to be taking it in stride although Vanya wondered whether he was actually angry at her for falling asleep.

Bread, and our map. Vanya massaged her temples, frustrated at herself. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep until I had woken up.

Vanya, it's alright. Kaldar spoke, his deep voice assuring her.

Vanya sighed, I still can't believe I fell asleep. And who would have stolen it? She suddenly began to wonder, An animal would have taken all of the food, and ripped up the satchel. As well as woken me up.

It is a mystery. Perhaps there is someone else here. Either way, I believe it is time to leave. My wings are rested, if not a little sore, but I can fly. The map is probably the biggest loss, as now we will have to look at it from memory, which could potentially be inaccurate.

Vanya nodded, standing up and picking the satchel up. She closed the clasp, wishing the map to suddenly appear there, but knowing it wouldn't.

Kaldar leaned down slightly, and Vanya got on his back easily, and then Kaldar flew into the air. Vanya could sense with her mind the animals, still watching, and as they flew farther away, she could have sworn she saw a being emerge from the forest.

She watched the island until she couldn't see it anymore, and then turned her head to look forwards. We were close by Vroengard, correct? Well, she continued after a quick affirmative answer from Kaldar, If we could find it, then maybe we could reorient ourselves?

Or get lost in the process of trying to find it.

Aren't you just a ray of sunshine. Vanya corrected herself a moment later, I'm sorry. I just am frustrated at myself that I had to fall asleep.

Vanya, it's okay. Things happen. You were exhausted from giving me energy, and I do not blame you. So do not blame yourself. Kaldar's wing's flapping filled the silence, and Vanya patted his shoulder.

Thank you.

Kaldar didn't respond, instead humming. The two watched the horizon, and Vanya drew out her half-finished map, feeling frustrated as she saw the painted forest. She stared at the blank parchment, trying to remember where the other places were.

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