~36: Non-verbal Magic~

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Enough. Saphira announced at the end of a match, You are beginning to get exhausted, and what state would that be if Ismira came and attacked now?

"Does it matter?" The words spilled out of her mouth, showing the thought that had been nagging her the whole time. Murtagh glanced at her, looking back at Saphira for her to answer.

You have given up hope? Saphira questioned.

"What hope is there to have?" Vanya's voice had dropped several notches in volume.

Saphira moved her head to look at Murtagh, who nodded, and then looked at Vanya, "There is a way we may be able to defeat her. Eragon said for me to tell you when there was a chance. Now seems a best time as any."

"Why didn't he tell me himself?" Vanya asked, glancing between Saphira and Murtagh.

Because it is dangerous magic. And a slip of concentration may have dire consequences. Saphira said in her low voice, So be aware, Vanya, that it may not just be your own life as a consequence if you slip up.

"That's comforting." Vanya said sarcastically, before adding quickly, "I'm sorry."

Murtagh seemed to be holding back a smile, and Vanya couldn't really guess what Saphira was thinking right then. But the matter dropped quickly, and Murtagh began, "Non-verbal spells. The way to use magic without the ancient language."

Vanya listened intently as Murtagh continued, "It's basically just directing magic and thinking of what you wish to accomplish." He glanced at the fire, and it burst into flames. "Like that."

"However, it is dangerous if I, for example, think 'light that fire' and then glance at you. I may just light you on fire." Murtagh seemed amused at the thought, but again kept speaking, "You may try it, however, I would suggest starting small."

Vanya nodded slowly, and her gaze fell on a twig lying on the grass. Concentrating her thought on it, she reached for the magic, and directed it towards lifting the twig. Nothing happened, and she tried again. The twig wobbled a little, but fell still again.

"You need immense concentration." Murtagh advised her, "You have to want to lift that branch, and must focus upon that wish."

Vanya took his advice, and allowed the thought of lifting the twig to swell. She focused on it, and then reached for the magic, directing it towards the twig.

It wobbled, before unsteadily lifting from the ground and raising until Vanya's eye level, before she released it.

"But if I, perchance, looked at the coals, and focused on them, I would lift the coals?" Vanya asked, looking back at Murtagh.

"Maybe. I have not experimented much with non-verbal spells, because I know my life may be on the line if I do."

Vanya nodded once, and sat down on the ground again. "So this is our only chance at defeating Ismira? Then why," she began calmly, but slowly her tone turned to anger. "was it witheld from us?" she stood up and looked at both Saphira and Murtagh. "If we had known, they would not be dead." she snarled. "Aiden. Nym." she ignored both of their attempts at trying to speak and continued, "Rathen. And Onvyr would not have gone to her side."

Saphira looked sorrowful, Their deaths may not have been stopped if you had known.

Vanya looked down at her hands, shamed by her own outburst. "I know." she whispered, before settling down on the grass again. "I just wish they hadn't left forever."

Who says forever? You may see them again, but who knows? They have passed on, and now you may only concern yourself with cherishing their memory, and not focusing on the what ifs.

Murtagh sat down on the ground opposite her, and absently began pulling at the grass. His head lifted as Kaldar joined Vanya, and then he looked away. "Cherish your dragon." he said roughly, before falling silent again.

The afternoon passed without note, and then it ticked slowly by until night, when Murtagh kept watch, while Vanya, Kaldar, and Saphira slept.

Eragon raised a hand, "Enough." he sheathed Brisginr, and nodded to Begnaz, who had been sparring with him. "Well done. You have improved much."

"Thank you, Ebrithil." Begnaz pressed a large hand to his chest, looking down at Eragon from his six foot height. Still, Eragon marveled at the Urgal's height, and Begnaz had not reached his full stature yet.

Begnaz left, and Eragon extended his mind once more to Alagaesia, searching for his niece. He expected to see nothing, but was greatly surprised when he sensed her presence in a cove near the sea. But she wasn't alone. He sensed Onvyr, and his dragon, as well as a presence beginning to form.

It can't be. Eragon wondered at her knowledge in order to accomplish what she was doing, and snapped out, running towards the great hall, where the mirror was set up.

"Dramr kopa," he said quickly, and Vanya's face was painted in the mirror. She was currently focusing on something, which Eragon couldn't see what. When the picture was complete, she stopped whatever she was doing, looking around, and obviously sensing his presence.

She stooped down and began scraping a basin in the earth, speaking to her unseen companions as she did so. She mouthed a word in the ancient language, and Eragon guessed she was creating a basin of water for him to speak with her through.

He added more words to the spell, and his vision shifted in positions until he could tell his image was floating on the water.

"I have sensed Ismira's presence." he cut to the matter at hand immediately. "And she is creating a Shade."

Vanya's eyes widened, and Murtagh joined her, "Are you sure?" he asked him carefully.

Eragon nodded, and explained Ismira's location. He gave a questioning glance at Vanya to Murtagh, and he nodded once.

"We will head there immediately." Murtagh said, a look of determination settling in his eyes. Vanya looked unsure, and Eragon spoke to her, "Trust your training and experience, Vanya. You will do well, I am sure."

She inclined her head, and then Eragon released the spell. His head was bowed as he realized he could be sending them to their deaths.

He reached out with his mind again, and Ismira was still there. This time, however, the Shade was complete.

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