scratch my back II

495 16 3

Hinata: babe can you scratch my back for me please?

Bokuto: scratch mine too its itching!!

Hinata: nvm

Bokuto: no babe scratchh it!!

Akaashi: bokuto san aishh


Hinata: babe can you scratch my back for a minute?

Hinata: babe?

Hinata: omii sann?!?!

Sakusa: wash your hands and scratch yourself

Hinata: pleaseee

Sakusa: no

Hinata: fineeee~


Hinata: baby can you scratch my back for me please?

Kageyama: boke its 2am why the fuck you are awake

Hinata: kageyamaa my back is itching!!

Kageyama: fine but go back to sleep or your sons will wake up

Hinata: haii love you~

Kageyama: boke i love you too

Triplets: eewwww

Kageyama: see.. go back to bed you three!

Hinata : pfftt


Hinata: hon?

Tendou: yeah?

Hinata: can you-

Tendou: scratch your back? yeah sure

Hinata: how di you-

Tendou: you've been saying this everytime love

Hinata: ohhh~

Tendou: now come here and let me scratch that.

Hinata: thank you love you

Tendou: always loving you


Hinata: hon?

Ushijima: my hands is dirty let me just clean it and lets shower together.

Hinata: um what?

Ushijima: your back is itching right?

Hinata: yeah

Ushijima: so let's get that clean

Hinata: aww im lucky to have you

Ushijima: im more than happy to have you in my life


Hinata: baby? can you please put your game down for awhile and scratch my back.

Kenma: sure thing babe

Hinata: wait your not gonna throw tantrum at me?

Kenma: why would I?

Hinata: cause you always do that to kuroo-san

Kenma: you're special and i love you
i can't throw tantrum to the one i love the most.

Hinata: aww ken-san i love you most~


Hinata: hon?

Suga: yes?

Hinata: can you?

Suga: can i what?

Hinata: scratch my back for a minute?

Suga: well sure thing baby

Hinata: thanks your the best

Suga: glad to help my baby


Hinata: babe your busy?

Daichi: no. not at all

Hinata: can you scratch my back?

Daichi: gladly babyyy

Hinata: yey thankss


Hinata: love can you?

Asahi : if these is unholy stuff just no -

Hinata: i was about to say scratch my back but your mind is ooh~

Asahi: nevermind that let me scratch it for you

Hinata: oh no i love what your thinking ~

Asahi: stopp im holy

Hinata: no you don't

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