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Ennoshita: oh hey Hinata

Hinata: i miss bakayama calling me that

Yachi: uhh should we tell him

Tsukkishima: nah he's dumb should let him realize it

Yamaguchi: pfft tsukki don't-

Hinata: oh- that's my name

Kageyama: boke hinata boke!!

Hinata: yeyy!!

Ennoshita: for the love of asahi you just effin missing him

Asahi: not my name again..

Noya: that's my big mans name hey!

Tanaka: aye broo wanna scold my boyfriend or we gon fight

Noya: oh bring it on

Daichi: hey stop it you two

Suga: if you won't stop , im gonna yeet you two again

Tanaka&Noya: fine!!

Tanaka: im gonna watch youu

Noya: oh i do too hmmp

Ennoshita,Asahi, Daichi,Suga: *facepalm*

Kinnoshita: somehow this time it's chaotic

Narita: not just today it's everyday .pftt

Yachi: kiyoko san , don't you wanna stop them?

Kiyoko: im comfortable hugging you my bride why would i

Yachi: i-i *heavily blush*

Takeda: what a chaotic team we got there ukai

Ukai: aint my fault pumpkin

Takeda: s-stop that

Ukai: wanna makeout in the bathroom?

Tsukkishima: horniecrows

Hinata: that's you railing yamaguchi inside the clubroom

Kageyama: we do that there too

Hinata: bakayamaa shut up!!

Suga: aishh these kids

Daichi: kids what suga~

Suga: not this time dai-

Asahi: cue for me to bring out the holywater

𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑮𝒀 (𝘏𝘐𝘕𝘈𝘛𝘈 𝘏𝘈𝘙𝘌𝘔)Where stories live. Discover now