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Hinata internally: oh shit im going in lil space

Atsumu: hey sho?

Hinata: nwo nwo twalk two mwe-

Hinata: ah i mean i gtg

Kageyama: are you -

Hinata: dwont twouch mwe- hwmmp..

Ushijima: how old are you baby

Hinata: awm two *shows two fingers*

Kageyama: where's your daddy?

Hinata: i dwont hwave owne-

Atsumu: no caregivers at all?

Hinata shooks his head: nwope

Ushijima: wanna be ours?

Atsumu:no dude he's mine first . I discover it first

Kageyama: aight -

Hinata: nwo nwo fwighting , is gwood shwoyo hwve thwee dwaddies!

Kageyama: right three daddies-

Atsumu: who will takes care of him when the camp is done?

Ushijima: me I guess?

Kageyama: it should be me-

Hinata: nwo nwo fwighting shwoyo mwad!

Kageyama: ok ok daddy is not going to fight them

Hinata: ywey!!

Sakusa: can i join in?

Osamu: me too let me in

Bokuto: i wanna be his daddy! agaashee

Akaashi: i know bokuto san, i know

Kuroo: kitten~

Kenma: aight im his bestfriend so let me care for him

Hinata: kwenma! nwo ywou wittle

Kenma:wemme twake cware of you-

Kuroo: oh fuck kitten

Kenma: im just talking to him in my lil space so whats the catch?

Lev: three littles!!

Kuroo: who's the other one?

Lev: my yaku~

Yaku: shut up or im going to kick your butt

Kiyoko: oh littles , i have one too

Tanaka: you have?

Kiyoko: yep right yachi~

Yachi: ywes mwommy-

Hinata: ywey fwammwy!

Tanaka: damn wanna have one too
*sees ennoshita*

Tanaka: wanna be mine bro?

Ennoshita: u-uh-

𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑮𝒀 (𝘏𝘐𝘕𝘈𝘛𝘈 𝘏𝘈𝘙𝘌𝘔)Where stories live. Discover now