𝙐𝙥 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛

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Tanaka: ennoshita has been craving for some weird food to be honest and i dont like it

Kageyama: Hinata does the same i cant really with him he threw tantrums at me but being lovey mom with his triplets

Hinata: hey i heard that dimdum

Tanaka: not with chika , he's been so clingy at the same time want my love , i cant take a break without him by my side

Ennoshita clumlisly lets go of his cup after hearing those painful words from his husband (sensitive omega  preggo🙄) at beside of him was hinata looking dissapointedly at tanaka.

Ennoshita: s-so y-you dont want me and my baby?? huh ryuu.. you can just pick k-kiyoko and drop this soulmate thing years ago . y-you can just pick her and not me

hinata comforting him rubbing his back carelessly on the other hand kageyama slap the head of his senpai and tell him that was not the right word for a sensitive omega like ennoshita . tanaka felt guilty and starts arguing his mind , he didn't mean that way .

tanaka start approaching his preggo husband while hinata was sending death glare to him , kageyama takes him away from there so they can work things out . kageyama gently rub hinatas belly button as the preggy tangerine chuckled to his loving husband and worrying for his two senpais.

Tanaka: babe im sorry i didn't mean it that way , i swear babe i want our baby babe teust me i do love you . no one force me to follow this soulmate thing i just want to be with you and i know i won't be end up with kiyoko she's head over the heels of a certain blonde girl she's way more an boss dominant alpha to me babe . i cherish you the way i pick you and appreciate you carrying our baby , babe your the most precious one on earth i adore you, i crave for you and was happy by your side. i know i kinda fucked up there-

Tsukkishima: no you just real real fuxk up

Yamaguchi: tsuki shut up

Tanaka: lmao way to ruin the mood salty

Ennoshita: he really has a point tho-

Tanaka: please let me finish my beautiful omega! you're the best thing that ever happen to me and i was really grateful that day , that day i claim you and was officially mine. im really sorry for saying those words i am a big jerk really , i really do please forgive me my world your the only one i need and our baby . forgive this jerk please

ennoshita sigh and caress tanakas face

Ennoshita: you know i can't resist you somehow , im sorry for being emotional i thought being clingy was making you comfortable-

Tanaka: no im sorry your clinginess is okay to me baby

Ennoshita: im not done u bimbo, i was just exhausted and yep i know im a "sensitive" guy and im sorry for that either. being clingy and be with you was my comfort zone. i feel your love to me all the time you've been with me 24/7 , i appreciate you for doing all the works and cares you've done to me my love and i thank you for that. your not a jerk well you act like one sometimes and  i love you for that , choosing you was the best part of my life and be married to you thank you for coming into my life ryuu.
I love you so much love

Tanaka: oww fuck i love you more than anything my world

The two shared a long passionate kiss , not minding their pretty pack surroundings , the other coupled watch them in aww as kiyoko rolled her eyes while hugging her precious wife , her name has been drag again she seem sick of it the blonde just pecks her lovingly hubbys cheeks and smiled at the the two sempais minding their own world.

After that scene hinata and ennoshita , yachi , nishinoya, yamaguchi, suga continues to talk not minding those hungry gaze at their alphas.

Tanaka: remind me not to do that again , cause i always do shit somehow

Tsukkishima: ain't our fault your mouth blabs shit like that

Asahi: im gonna remind you that

Daichi: naw man if i do that to suga , ill just gonna buried myself alive

Asahi: noya will be just in his state mode if i do that to him

Kageyama: hinata would literally kill me or just yeet my things at me

Tsukkishima: i can't even stand my star ignoring me for awhole day

Kiyoko: opff im loving the tea(◔‿◔)

Tanaka: lucky for you kiyoko

Kiyoko: yey lucky me ~

Asahi: can we all agree that we are lucky to have them but scared when we say those danger words to them

Kiyoko: yep

Tanaka: agreed

Kageyama: totally

Daichi: totally agree

Tsukkishima: somehow yeah

Omegas: hey we heard that baka !!

lol im a shit for doing this well if you don't like those ship i pair , dont.read.and.remove.it.on.your .library. thanks :>

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