leave it up -paubaya HINATA JAM 5

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Hinata: Where did everything started to change

Suga: When was I not enough anymore

Daichi: suga please it's not what you think-

Kageyama: hinata i didn't mean to-

Kenma: Why didn’t you tell me from the start,

Ennoshita: I’m the one you needed but not the one you love

 Kuroo: kenma i promise you, it was just accident

Tanaka: im sorry-

Hinata: Where did my love lack

Kenma: I gave everything just to make you smile

Suga: Why didn’t I see you don’t want (us) anymore

Ennoshita: I’m the one you’re with, but you’re looking for her

Tanaka: i love you - please let me think
Daichi: no suga please it's not really like that please.

Kuroo: kitten please listen to me-

Kageyama: boke please i didn't mean to kiss her

Lev: And if you’re happy with her company

Yaku: lev im not :<

Hinata: I won't insist no more
All I wish for her is to

Kenma: Never make you cry

Suga: and to take care of you

Daichi: please suga let's talk about this.

Kuroo: kitten i promise you, your the only one I love

Kageyama: please don't give up on us boke.. please
Lev:Where did the faithfulness stopped

Ennoshita: Every time you say you loved me

Suga:Why didn’t you admit that there’s somebody else

Ennoshita: I’m the one you embraced, but you’re thinking of her

 Tanaka: please let me think just let me think , i do love you -

Suga: there's no somebody else it was only you suga

Yaku: my faithfulness in you didn't stop lev-

Kenma: And if you’re happy with her company

Suga: I won’t insist no more

Hinata: All I wish for her is to

Ennoshita: Never make you cry, and to take care of you

 Kuroo: kitten please it's not what it looks like , i promise i enjoy being with you not her

Daichi: suga please just please listen to me

Kageyama: boke forgive me it was an accident , i didn't mean to kiss yachi-

Tanaka: just please don't give up on us , let me think . please let me think... I love kiyoko but I love you too-

Kenma: Why didn’t I thought that there’s a finale

Ennoshita: I was the first, but she is the last.

Hinata: And it can really be seen in your eyes

Ennoshita: Why she’s the one you chose

Suga: It’s hard to fight what’s fated

Lev: Leaving it up
Leaving it up

Ennoshita: I’m leaving it all up to her

Kuroo: kitten there's no finale with me and Alisa because it's always been you i would end up with. I love you kitten please don't it's just a misunderstanding kitten, ipromise you that.

Kenma: kuroo- just come here

Kuroo: y-yes

Kageyama: in my eyes it's only been you boke! I love you very much she kiss me first.

Yachi: that's just a dare Hinata

Hinata: no-

Kageyama: please believe me

Hinata: owkay-

Kageyama: open the door im freezing here

Hinata: ouh--

Yaku: please don't leave me-

Lev: i won't yaku san , i love my baby so much


Suga: im not breaking up with you it's just a song dai

Daichi: im tearing up here just please open the door in your room, i know your mad at me

Suga: fine...

Kiyoko: you won't possibly choose between me and ennoshita tanaka , i have my girlfriend so that's a no no-

Yachi: yeah please don't take her away from me

Kiyoko: im not gonna taken away from you baby~

Tanaka: that's a relieve , so ennoshita please just please give me a last chance to be with you again..

Ennoshita: who said im breaking up with you? It was just a song ive been listening to when the guys spamming the lyrics, i just get in the flow

Tanaka: so you won't leave me?

Ennoshita: nope not at all babe

Tanaka: that's a relief thanks so much baby •~•

Ennoshita: im happy

Tanaka: no im more happier

Tsukkishima: this shit is not makes sense at all

Yamaguchi: tsukki

Tsukkishima: ok I'll shut up now , i don't want you to end up your relationship with me.

Sakusa: dramatic

Atsumu: omi-

Sakusa: okay I'll shut up jeezers

Yachi: that's a relief good one..

Kiyoko: that was intense babe prolly daring you to kiss kageyama and this jamming session is good. I love you~

Yachi: me too darling~

Alisa: i didn't even do anything why would my name always comes up

Not hating on Alisa it's just a chapter please don't fight me about Tanaka ending up with Ennoshita this is a gay fanfic hinata harem after all . Please don't say homophobic stuff to me im immune to that , that won't stop my gay ass from shipping kiyoko and yachi and making dramas if you're uncomfortable with it please don't read it .. thanks for understanding it

I didn't intend to make Alisa look bad she is the best sister of lev and it's just for a drama chappie , please don't hate her.. i know irl haikyuu it was supposed to be kiyoko and tanaka but my gay ass really loves tanashita and yokoya . so please forgive my gay ass if im shipping them with their same gender. they're fictional characters after all... you can't stop a gay dude like me to not to ship them
I'm sorry :> hope you'll understand
like i said please don't read it if you're uncomfortable with it thanks :))

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