hinata jam 4

754 16 2

Hinata:You are the one for me

Kenma: You're the only boy I see

Akaashi: You are the one I want

Bokuto: what is this?

Kuroo: kitten?

Kageyama: boke?

Yaku: You are more than enough

Yamaguchi: You are the one for me

Tendou: You make me happy
and I want you to love me

Lev: i am shorty?

Tsukkishima: i know that yams

Ushijima: i am happy that i can make you happy satori , im too anxious about it. if i don't make you happy you would leave me..

Tendou: no baby , you always make me smile every worth awhile

Hinata:I want you to hold me

Suga: I want you to keep me close to you

Daichi: every day , im thinking all about you and wanting to touch you so damn much

Kageyama: you know boke you can just ask me

Oikawa:I want you to need me
I want you to miss me

Kenma: I want you to kiss me like you do

Kuroo: kitten im coming wait for me

Iwaizumi: you know , im being shit to you all the time but i was just appreciating the way you are . I can't lose , i can't i love you damn much

Oikawa: iwachan that was-

Ennoshita: I need you here, here right now

Akaashi: I'm breaking down without your love

Bokuto: im coming akaashi wait for me..

Tanaka: as in now?

Noya: I need you here, here right now

Hanamaki: I'm breaking down without your touch

Mattsun: please don't break down , im coming babe

Asahi: you won't do anything unholy again right yuu?

Hinata: We are far apart

Atsumu: But you're close to my heart

Sakusa: i fell for you so hard damn much

Yamaguchi : You make me smile, smile awhile

Daichi: You make my heart completely stop

Kuroo: You make me nervous

Tsukkishima: You make me breathless

Iwaizumi: You make my world spinning around

Ushijima: You make me happy
You make me smile

Asahi: You make my life worth the while

Noya: I want you to love me

Hanamaki: I want you to hold me

Mattsun: I want you to keep me close to you

Iwaizumi: I want you to need me

Oikawa: i need you~

Oikawa: I want you to miss me

Ennoshita: I want you to kiss me like you do

Tanaka: that's all i only need to hear from you , im here at your door

Akaashi: I need you here, here right now
I'm breaking down without your love

Bokuto: agaashee im here open it!

Kenma: I need you here, here right now

Hinata: I'm breaking down without your touch

Kuroo: kitten open your window-

Kageyama: boke open it

Noya: asahi san what are you afgsauaj-

Kenma: no fdagajsk-

Hinata: bakayama afsjs-

Ushijima: baby im here

Tendou: it's open waka kun

Yaku: lev?

Lev: im coming my shorty~

Yaku: make it quick please!!

Lev: hai!

Hanamaki: b-babe?

Mattsun: im already cuddling you -

Hanamaki: can we make a quickie?

Tsukkishima: you can do it in private message.

Yamaguchi: tsukki?

Tsukkishima: alright yams . I'm here at your door

Yamaguchi: oh-

Atsumu: uhm

Sakusa: babe im already at your house-

Atsumu: uhh can we

Sakusa: sure thing

Oikawa: they're going to get wrecked .. oh wait what are you doing iwa-fshahsakaju

Daichi: suga?

Suga: im making food here in the kitchen dai

Daichi: my fav?

Suga: yes

Daichi: i love you~

Suga: i love you too

Kiyoko: this is so gay and it's making me horny~ babe~

Yachi: kiyoko san no-

Kinnoshita: they're going to have fun it's a cold damn morning

Narita: yeah im going to have fun in your ass too.

Kinnoshita: oof no-

Naboyuki: yuuki?

Yuuki: yes ?

Naboyuki: wanna cuddle?

Yuuki: yeah sure my caramel~

Naboyuki: that's sweet my vanilla~

Shirabu: ba-bajsks

Semi: im fucking here , stop messaging and focus on me

Osamu: wanna eat my-

Suna: onigri? okay

Kita: can't relate my single ass here

Goshiki: samedt

Le end~

kidding mwehehehe ^•^

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