Chapter Seven

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»»———— CEDRIC ————««

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»»———— CEDRIC ————««

The skies quickly turned dark and they all rushed inside just as the storm came. Val was sure the rain would sound amazing hitting the Black Lake from inside her dorm right now. "Come on, everyone's putting their names into the Goblet of Fire!"

They watched as their classmates put their names in. A few boys rushed in, pushing Cedric towards it. "Come on, mate, put it in!"

He smiled at them as he within the protective ring which prevented younger students from putting their names in. He put the small piece of parchment in, and everyone clapped for him, too. Ron and Harry shared a look, having met Cedric before at the Quidditch World Cup. He was all too perfect. As Cedric glanced around at all the claps, he spotted Val. He walked over to her, and she felt her heart jump. She wasn't sure if that was good or bad. Either way, she needed to stay away from him. He was kind and nice and she didn't want to start to like him too much. Then, she wouldn't be able to get enough of him and she would get too attached. "Valencia Snape,"

"I told you, Val is fine." She chuckled as he formly greeted her.

"Well, Val," He put emphasis on her name. "May I join you for lunch?"

It should be fine, shouldn't it? The others would be there too. It was just friendly. "Sure."

Fred and George came bursting through the doors loudly. Everyone began clapping and cheering. They held their pieces of parchment in their hands. "Aren't they too young to enter?"

"Thank you, thank you!" They exclaimed, high-fiving the others. "Well, lads! We've done it! Cooked it up this morning!"

Hermione just grinned with amusement. "It's not going to work!" She sang out.

They walked over to her, leaning next to her so they were eye-level with her. "Oh, yeah?"

"And why is that, Granger?"

"You see this? This is an Age Line." She pointed to the ring around the Goblet of Fire. "Dumbledore drew it himself."


She scoffed, shutting the book she was reading. Still, she wore a smile. "So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion."

"Yeah, but that's why it's so brilliant."

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." They grinned at her, and you could never be angry with or annoyed by the Weasley twins. They stood on the bench and began shaking their potions.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

They looped their arms around each other's before saying at the same time: "Bottoms up!" They then jumped down into the ring, and when nothing happened, everyone cheered. "Ready?" They looked at each other before putting their names in. "Yeah!" Fred looked over at Val and winked, making her just shake her head at him. He had a charming grin. All of a sudden, the fire reacted and knocked them both back. When they sat up, they had aged significantly with gray hair and beards. "You said—"

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