Chapter Twenty Seven

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Val awoke to Draco leaving kisses down the back of her neck onto her bare back. She smiled softly before flipping over to face him. He grinned back at her. This was usually what happened every morning, waking up from a blissful sleep as they were just so happy to be next to each other. "Merry Christmas, little dove."

Her eyes widened as she realized it was finally Christmas day. "Merry Christmas, Draco."

"Come on, get up." He urged her, climbing out of bed. He threw on some clothes quickly, and handed her some as she rushed to put them on. He dragged her over to the sofa and sat her down. "Close your eyes, don't open them until I tell you."

"Okay..." She chuckled slightly, wondering what he was up to. She sat there, listening to him rustle around as he was searching for something. The next thing she knew, he'd plopped a box into her lap.

"Open." He told her, as if she couldn't have assumed that. She looked down at the beautiful emerald green wrapped box with a silver bow on top. She shook her head quickly. She'd completely forgotten to get him something. How could she forget? It was literally Christmas. "Mum helped me wrap it, that's the only reason it looks so good."

"Draco, you shouldn't have." She sighed out, but surprise was written all over her face.

"Of course I did." He shrugged, sitting down next to her.

"No, you really shouldn't have, because I completely forgot to get you something. How stupid could I be?" She shook her head at herself. He chuckled softly and grabbed her hand in his.

"It's okay, you didn't have to get me anything." He shrugged, and she gave him a remorseful look. He truly didn't even mind. He had everything he could possibly want. "Go ahead, open it."

She sighed, feeling guilty, before gently pulling off the wrapping. She opened the box to reveal several things. That made her feel even worse, as it wasn't just one gift. Nonetheless, she began pulling out the items and examining them while Draco watched her reactions closely. There was a green sweater which smelt clearly like Draco's cologne, and apples. It was a simple sweater, with D. MALFOY embroidered into it. It was his. There was a moving picture, encased in an elegant black frame. It was a picture of the two of them, a memory, as she sat in his lap. The two of them were smiling, ever so happy. She loved it. In the bottom was a small, black velvet box, and she knew it was for a ring. She slowly opened it up. It revealed a beautiful, simplistic silver ring adorned with small but ultimately shimmery emeralds.

"It's a promise ring." He told her, taking the box from her hand and taking out the ring. He took her hand in his and held it there as he went to slip the ring onto her finger. "I promise you, I will never leave you. I'll follow you, forever. Through everything. I'll support you through every decision, every choice. I love you, through life and through death. I cross my heart and hope to die, I'll never leave your side."

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