Back It's Other Again 5

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Gulf POV

Early in the morning my notification tone is ringing meaning new messages in sending to me. I directly open it thinking that he is the one who chatting with me. Then yes I'm not wrong. My heart is beating like crazy and my whole body is shaking I calm my self in thirty minutes. Before I open the message again.

When I read the message I'm not expecting.. That he said sorry of leaving me. I expect him to scolding me because of my stupidity. He really a selfless person and never being selfish on me. Reason that I feel more guilty of what I did.

But I know my self I never let go of this opportunity to till him how sorry I am, and make a promise to him to be his best partner when he was ready to accept me back.

"baby don't cry.... Please it hurts me so if you cry like this baby. I never been gone I just need to find my self. You know how much I love you."

"honey... I understand you if you need time I always wait for you to come back home."

"thank you baby, just hold on me please.."

"I well always honey. I will always here for you.. I promise to be with you forever."

I know we need comfort each other for being a part. But we both know there situation we need to put back our selves from being broken because of lost time and trust, care and understanding . For now the things are starting for another page. Good thing of us, we are not giving up each on other. Holding out hand even we are in different part of the world.

A true feelings is really not easy to feeds away. Love is always giving us color to cheer up our dull life, might be we fail in many time but if we know how to stand we always be together tell the end of life I know that he is my forever. But if the heaven doesn't allow me. I never been in love. And never give my heart again.


Now things is better than last two months. I know one of this day he will be here. I smiled on what I think.

'baby I know you are here in just one week I predict on that. I'm so excited.' I said to myself.

Then my phone is ringing that slap me again to the reality. It was Jeffrey my friend.

"hi mew it's Nathalie. How are you?"

"hello nath....I feel great now. You guys?"

"that is good to heard that your great... But can you drop by for a dinner tonight and I want to heard that things make our friend a great mood." She said.

"sure I be there in thirty minutes."

"okay good.... Byeee see you later."

"okay bye."

After the call I prepared my self to meet the family. I make sure to bring something for adults and for the little kids. I drive to the place it was late dinner. I knocked there door in a minute some one opened up the door.

"Heyy ....... dude what's up?" Jeff open the door for me.

"I'm great... And how it so sudden to had a late dinner here. Where your kids?"

"they are sleeping already.... The reason why we had this so we can talk about that bother on you.... Please seat down and let's had food first.. And we had long time to talk... Cuase week end tomorrow no work, no school."

"yess.... And you two eat well." nath said to me and her husband. The bless full dinner is on the three of us now is digging this delicious food.

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