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In the morning the couple wake up so late. It was gulf last day before he fly back to the country. They want to stay at home for whole day. Not wanting to separate to each other... Even gulf is just leave for a short period of time. They still missing each other.....

"baby.... What if you just stay here and let mild send the things you need in email." mew suggested his wife. Because he really can't stand without him.

"honey.... I need to see them.... Don't worry I will not take long over there... I come back again real soon..... You know me I can't stop in one place without you."

"okay but you call me every now and then. Please..... I went crazy if I'm not seeing you."

"yes.... Hon I will.... And call me to okay...."

"okay.... Promise...."

" I won't bring my things back I will leave it here.."

"much better.... And your personal things at home just leave it.... So if we need to visit there we don't need to carry a bag."

"exactly.... So what we ganna do now...."

" hug you till tomorrow.... I need to charge my battery in my body.... For two weeks your not in my arms." mew said to his beautiful wife.

Mew and Gulf make time to each other in the whole day... Making up for the next two weeks without each other.

But at least now they are sure that no one can separate them.... No one can manipulate them. No one can hold their relationship. Even mew father.

At the airport mew hug his wife once again. Before he let him go to the departure area...

"baby... Take care of yourself... Don't forget to eat and rest... If you need me call directly... Okay.... Give me a call every now and then even I'm on my school I will answer you."

"yes promise... You to okay... Take care my husband.. I love you..." gulf give his husband a deep and passionate kiss... Not bothering to the people around them.

"okay the plane is ready to take off... Go inside."

"okay byeee...."

Then Gulf run to the ticket personnel... After checking his document the man let him in. On the plane Leo guide him to his seat.

"I put you here and be good.... How was your first two days as a married.... Still can walk properly?" Leo teasing him.

" bro.. your such a bully...." Then he pout.

"fine just kidding.... Don't be angry okay." When the man left him.

Gulf is so happy of the attention of the elder. His heart is now missing his beloved brother.

'Big brother ja... You really forgot me.. Maybe you are safe and healthy and happy... Don't worry about me I'm fine... Big bro. I need to leave the country to start my new life. Hope you miss me like I miss you so much. ' gulf let out a deep breath and close his eyes that starting to red.

After a couple of time. When the air craft is stable in the air. Leo come back to the man. He bring him to the captain cabin to talk.

"gulf.... Who pick you up in the airport when you arrive.?"

"My friend mild.... He is my assistant to."

"are you going directly home?"

"no.... Leo I need to go the office first before home I had some meetings."

"oh... So hectic.... Why not tomorrow?"

"business is business... Leo,,,, and time is gold. If I stop working while the sun still set, more opportunities pass by."

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