Chapter 1. -Clancy- before thurmond

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This is my first x reader fic so I'm open to any criticism. Also don't get on my back about spelling, I'm not good at it 😂😂
Enjoy  (30th of may 2023) this is one of the VERY few Clancy POV 's in this fic

At first fathers meetings became more frequent. Then mother began to spend more time and work. I would see them, whispering through a crack in the door, huddled together with strange people in strange uniforms. I was carful not to be seen. I heard the whispers, I heard everything. Or I thought I did.

Kids were dying, and not just a few. It was an epidemic. Except it had no clear patient zero, there were no connections between families, no genetic abnormalities. There was no explanation as to why perfectly healthy Sally Curtmen fainted in Math class on Monday and no one would tell us why she didn't wake up. A letter was sent out to the schools:

Idiopathic Adolescent Acute Neurodegeneration (IAAN)
Children ages 8-14 at high risk
If you child is experiencing any of the following symptoms:
difficulty in concentrating
becoming hyper-focused on tasks
chronic migraines
memory loss
fainting spells
violent outbursts
unusual reckless behaviour
Register your children at your nearest healthcare professional for regular monitoring.
Signed President Gray

Lady's and gentle men, my father. Tells the whole world about some life threatening disease before his own goddam son.
My mother knew, of course she did. How could she not? Second Lady and head of the medical research department? Of course why would either of them tell me? I was a scare little kid and what use is a scared boy to the leader of a nation. Or rather, what harm could I do?


It was a normal school day, just like any other, months before any information regarding IAAN had been released. At the time it was still called Evensheart's disease for the first kid to have died. I headed to the cafeteria when a scrawny kid in my year bumped into me in the hallway. It was like quicksand, I was trapped. I could see what he saw, hear what he head and smell what he did. But most importantly I could hear what he was thinking. It was a jumbled, cluttered, mess. Let me tell you, know one wants to be in the mind of a pre-teen boy. You can trust me on that, I've been one and I've been in their minds. It's a horrible place to be. Shocked, i jolted back, breaking all contact with him.
"What the fuck dude?" The boy said, rubbing his head and shaking a dazed look off his face.
"S-sorry" I stuttered backing away before making a run for the cafeteria.
What the fuck was that?

I couldn't stop thinking about the sensation of slipping into his mind, the warm honey of it pulling me in a trapping me there in a way that both exited and terrified me.

Over the course of that week i could the boy 5 more times, each time it felt easier to slip in and out, the honey slowly becoming water as I got used to it. By Friday, his mind was as familiar as my own. That's when I decided to conduct an experiment and where better to do that then in science.

Miss Roth had just finished up explaining the proper conduct around Bunsen burners when a slipped into his mind. I thought about his had moving. Nothing happened. I concentrated harder, only to inch my own hand out and over the lit safety flam. Swearing I pulled my hand back as the heat lightly seared my hand. Irritation flooded through me and I decided to try another method.
I entered his mind and thought with everything in me "wouldn't it be great if I put my hand out?" I tied to mimic his internal voice, disguising my consciousness as part of his until after my 16th attempt his hand came wobbling over his flame. It wasn't on safety.

You would think I'd feel guilty, and I did... a bit. Not enough to turn myself in and definitely not enough to stop using my new found ability. When your someone like me, you take power when you can, after all my father is the most powerful man in the country.


I started using it more and more, building up my confidence and skill with each new person who's mind I visited, no, invaded. To visit would suggest I did nothing to the place when the truth is exactly the opposite. I started small, the staff would do my schoolwork for me, my bed time would get latter and later, u know petty stuff. Finally I tried it on my my father. He was harder to sway, it was like a shield had been placed around his mind and it took months to tear it down. But I did, I clawed at it until it came tumbling down, opining the entrance the the mind of the president.

My next victim would be my mother. She wasn't home often enough to fully practice on her, but I took my time. I was patient with her and when I finally managed to get in it was the most fulfilling moment of my young life. I began to sway them, they would tell me things, confidential thing that a teen boy should definitely not have access to. I leaned things they definitely didn't want me knowing.
IAAN, they weren't afraid of the people who could die. They had no couldn't care less about my classmates who had stopped showing up to school. It was just me and and an odd girl from the year bellow now. They couldn't give a damn about them. My parents were utterly terrified of the children who had lived.

It was us they were afraid of.
Fives words played in there head on repeat, like a broken record, stuck on a loop:


More information leaked from their newly ungraded minds:

BLUE- telekinesis (moderate risk)
RED- pyrokinisis ( high risk: relocate)
GREEN - enhanced intelligence ( low risk)
YELLOW - electrokinisis ( moderate-high risk)
And finally
ORANGE - telepathy ( execute on discovery )

They knew.
Maybe not about me specifically but they knew that there were kids who were different. There were other people out there like me. And we were all in serious trouble.

The world ran through my mind, refusing to leave my head as I tried to sleep that night execute on discovery, execute on discovery, execute on discovery.
Finally I couldn't take it anymore, I slid my feet into my slippers and tiptoed to my parents room, carful not to step on any creaky flaw boards and opening the door as quietly as possible. It was time to go some digging.

That's when things started to go horizontal wrong.

Hey guys, hope you enjoy the first chapter, should have the next on up in a couple of days, a week at most. next POV will be Y/n and how you got to Thurmond :) most of they story will be in Y/n pov
- Circe Eliza S

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