Chapter 4 ~ y/n phantom touch

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Trigger warnings ⛔️
-smut (kinda)
-dubious consent

Enjoy this chapter 💖💖

The next day was a Sunday, meaning no testing, only menial tasks in the food hall before being confined to our rooms until Monday morning, when it all starts again.

I was sitting on my bed when I felt it, trying to count the days we'd done laundry that week. A familiar touch trailing from my jaw line to the soft part of my neck. I gasped, looking up to find Clancy's eyes locked on mine, I mischievously grin threatening to break out on his face. His voice echoed in my head, vibrating through my body, "is there a problem princess?do you want me to stop?" his smirk grew.
"Yes" i muttered while my mind screamed the opposite. It wasn't how I had expected things to go between us. Sure my stomach fluttered each time he leveled his piercing eyes at me. And sure he had protected us both to the best of his abilities since we met. Even with all the teasing and flirting, I didn't expect anything to truely home from it. He flashed his teeth at me.
"Which is it y/n?" He continued in my mind "should I stop" his narrowed eyes surveyed my expression closely "or" he projected, his phantom hand skimming my collarbone causing a shiver to radiate through my whole body, culminating in the spot between my legs. "Should I do this?" His touch was on my breast gripping and squeezing drawing a soft moan from my lips. He groaned at the sound, had flexing at his side, as if he could feel me through the empty space. I realised he could. The feeling of his hands on me in this way was unfamiliar, not unwelcome, but different. A very pleasurable different. I let out a much louder moan as he kneaded me again. "Feels good, don't it y/n?" came his voice in my head. My response was cut short as the feeling of his mouth coming down on my nipple elicited a sharp gasp that quickly transformed to heavy breathing as he began to suck. "Ohh my god, Clancy" I moaned out breathlessly.
"That's right princess, I am a god aren't I?" He projected, humour emanating from his voice. "Y-ess" I responded, somehow my inner voice was just as breathless as my outer one. He moves to the other breast, exisiting another moan from me. Once he'd had enough of my breasts, he slowly trained his phantom tongue between them, making his way lower, placing pressure on my lower stomach with one hand and stroking me side with the other. Entering my mind more fully, he evoked a vibrating, tingly sensation throughout my entire body, placing more pressure on my stomach. I moaned his name, squeezing my legs together in search of any friction to aid the growing ache between then, the ache for him.

Then he stopped.
His touch disappearing from me completely, leaving only a lingering sense of his consciousness on my. He was smirking at me through the plastic. Surveying the way my body had reacted to him. I watched him back, breathing heavily. He gave me a contemplative look. "I would keep going, but when I make you mine I want you touching every part of me and I want to truely have every part of you at my fingertips." His eyes stayed glued to mine as my gaze drifted to the visible bulge in his trousers. I swallowed, biting me lip to keep from smiling. "I could do anything I wanted to you with my mind princess" He smiles at this, projecting images of me beneath him naked, images of him doing unspeakable things to me, things I didn't realise I wanted to badly. "But when I take you, I want to be in your mind and touching you all at once, I want your hands on me and your mouth on mine, around me" a hand came down to rest of the bulge in this pants suggestively. My centre throbbed at the thought of him.
"All that and you haven't even kissed me Clance" I smirked right back at him.
"Ohh I'll kiss you, I'll kiss you until you beg me to do more" I hadn't realised how tall me was until now, he towered over me looking down at me possessively and sending a flutter through my stomach. "When we get out of here, we're going to rule the world y/n" he said, still watching me, voice full of conviction. "Together" I said
"Together" he repeated, a mischievous scowl taking over his expression once more.

Clancy's actions yesterday had been unexpected, I did't know he had the ability to do something like that. I didn't know I had the ability to feel the things I did. Clancy was always protective, doing the best to keep me from the worst of the treatment, his more powerful sway saving both of us for severe pain on several occasions. I've done the same. I've swayed the guards, the doctors, all of them, but I couldn't manage to convince them  I was fixed. Neither could Clancy, at least not yet.
The mask was useless, it gave the doctors the ability to humiliate us and nothing more. It was no shield agains our abilities. It never stoped either one of us from entering their minds. It never stopped Clancy from tormenting then from within their own heads. Making their lives a living hell.

Clancy began to talk more bout escape and his fantom touch on me and mine on him became a regular occurrence, though we have become more subtle since the first time. His efforts doubled and rants about revolution and marching on his fathers capital became frequent. His face would darken, when he spoke of the president or his wife and I did't blame him, his parent sighed a similar form to mine. All we had was each other.

If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. As alway, hope you enjoyed
Circe Eliza S

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