Chapter 5- y/n "dont miss me too much"

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I was foolish to expect him to say with me. Foolish to think that he was mine, even for a moment.

3 weeks after the incident we sat on our beds, a brief moment of peace before todays experiments
"Dear old dad's coming to watch the research today" Clancy deadpanned, eyes on his feet.
"How do you know?" I asked
He shrugged in return, "I guess they just wanted me to be on my best behaviour" the familiar scowl appeared on his perfect face. "Wouldn't want me doing anything to upset the president would they?"


Today was different. Instead of taking us in individually, they had us brought in together. They wanted to see if the treatment would effect men and women differently I suppose.

They had us next to each other, strapped down on identical beds. It felt odd being to exposed in front of him. Not that we weren't already exposed, there's no privacy when you share a transparent wall, after all. I had never seen him so helpless. His whole body shackling with the shocks, pained cries emerging from him. There was a particular powerful shock and my vision faded, replaced with darkness.


I woke up to find Clancy standing over me, watching me from the foot of my bed in the med bay. His brow was furrowed and his eyes rested intently on my face, taking it in.
"You're awake" he said matter of factly.
"Apparently" I replied sarcastically, eliciting a small smirk from him. His mouth moved as if he wanted to say something but was cut short and his father entered the med bay, taking his son by the arm.
"What's going on?" I said, directing my question to Clancy. But it was president Gray who answered.
"Keep up your treatment and you too could be cured like my son here."
"W-what.. B-but" I stuttered, looking to Clancy for confirmation. His expression had gone blank. He was the perfect picture of a president's son.

As they made there way out of the med bay, Clancy's hand brushed mine. His consciousness slivered into my mind. "I had to do it" the words resounding in my head. "Don't miss me too much princess" and I felt phantom lips on my cheek in a final goodbye.


They stopped the treatments after he left. I retreated into myself, hiding from the reality of my situation.
A few days later, they rounded up all the test subjects and one at a time we were brought into the testing room. They decided who would be relocated to a new facility now that Thurmond had stopped testing, who would be released from the program and assigned a cabin and who whorls be disposed of.

When I entered a doctor read out my psi number before grabbing me roughly by the arm and reaching for something on her desk. The cold metal of a gun was pressed to my temple and I froze. It's because I'm an orange, I'm dangerous. They don't need me anymore.
I may not have been as powerful as Clancy but I was not weak. I reached up grabbing her wrist and protected as convincingly as possible "I AM GREEN"

"You're green" the doctor repeated, a dazed expression crossing her face before she scribbled something on her clip board and handed my a uniform with a green cross. I was escorted to a cabin that night. All I could think about was Clancy's betrayal. Why would he leave me here? He was all I had, now there was nothing.

A/n: This is a bit of a short chapter but I'll make the next one extra long :) don't worry, He'll be back. Let me know if you have any requests.
Circe Eliza E

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