Chapter 7- y/n- The slip kid

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A/n:  hope you enjoy this chapter, it's another long one.
🛑trigger warnings ⛔️
smut (kinda)

Over the course of a very eventful few months Ruby and I grew close with the others. First it was Zu, the mute little girl began to view the two of us like older sisters. She looked up to us and we would protect her from anything and anyone that could cause her harm. I became her personal dress up doll. Then there was Lee, Mr forever sunshine. I had begun to suspect something was going on between him and Ru. Finally, Chubs had warmed up to us, though he would still mutter about strays every once and a while.

After a run in with some PSF's with calm control we headed to one of Lee's old hideouts, only to find a tribe of blues camped out there. I didn't like the way they looked at us girls, the way they would brush up to us. It felt like I was back at Thurmond, the PSF's taking every opportunity to touch us. Ruby's loose grasp on her powers led us to our first real lead on East River and eventually to Lee, Zu and Chubs discovering it. After that, I had told them the truth about my abilities as well.

Since they had escaped Caledonia, Zu, Lee and Chubs had been trying to find the camp. Supposedly it was a safe haven for children like us. A self governed, safe place for psi youth run by The Slip Kid. Lee thought the kids could help him fee more camps, Chubs wanted to get a letter to his friends dad. Ruby told the boys she wanted the Slip kid to help her find her Grandmother, but I knew the truth. I saw her face light up at the mention of another orange. She still believed we were the only ones until then. I still couldn't bring up Clancy without feeling the pain he had left in my heart. I still feel bad for the lie, but I didn't know what do do. As for me, I don't know why I was heading to East River, maybe it was all Clancy's talk of us kids banding together. Maybe I just had nowhere else to go. Either way, I was with them.


While following the beaten old map to the West Virginia coordinates we found with the radio, we stopped for fuel and food. I attacked a vending machine, trying to get it to relinquish a bag of candy for Zu while she watched Chubs siphon gas. Ruby and Liam were nowhere to be seen. Probably making out behind a tree somewhere, I thought. Giving up on the vending machine, I decided to go find them. We needed to leave soon anyway.

I was heading away from black Betty and into the trees when I heard a guns safety click off.
"Don't move a muscle" came a boys deep voice from behind me.
"Don't, she's with us" the second voice was Lee's and I turned to see him and Ruby, trailed by kids in all black.
The boy with the gun scowled "how many of you are there?"
"Two others" Lee said pointing to where Chubs and Zu were running towards us.

The boy, Mike, seemed to know Lee and Chubs. Apparently they'd been at a camp together before Lee broke them out. Mike turned to Ruby, then me, looking us up and down. "damn Lee, where did you manage to find these ones?"
Liam laughed, pulling Ruby into him. "I'm afraid they're one of a kind"
Mike turned to me. "So sweetheart, what brings you to this neck of the woods?"
Chubs answered before I could say anything "we're looking for east river, the slip kid, you know" I got the feeling these two didn't quite like each other.
"Well you've come to the right place" Mike smiled at me "you won't believe this Lee, we're headed back to camp right now, you can come and meet him if you want"
A look of shock and bewilderment crossed Liam's face before he broke into a smile.

We helped carry food the black clad kids had procured from a passing supply truck up a hill to the camp.
"So who is this Slip Kid anyway? Did he really escape the PSF's 3 times?" Lee questioned Mike as they walked ahead of us.
"Now, if I told you that, it wouldn't be much of a surprise, would it?" They both chuckled and continued to walk.
Ruby and I hung back with Chubs.

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