Chapter 3 - y/n - Clancy Gray

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I made the bed, and sat there for what felt like hours. Time seemed to warp, bending and stretching as it wished. I don't know how much time had passed but eventually the door to the room next door swung open and a boy a little older than me was shoved in. He had a mop of messy blond curls, plastered forehead with sweat and a facial expression that would turn a lesser woman to stone. He glared Icely at the closing door before muttering something under his breath ads kicking the wall. I jolted, it was then that he noticed me. A sly smile snaked onto his perfect face as he eyes me up and down. "I see that have a new lab rat then" he said, the cocky grin never leaving his face. "So, what are you then?" He shot, brow furrowing in a way that seemed oddly familiar.
"What do you mean?" I puzzled " I'm a person, what else could I be?"
"Not anymore your not" he said eyebrows raised as her surveyed me. "You're a statistic now princess"
His matter of fact tone and the odd endearment caused the corner of my mouth to rise in a bemused smile.
"Ohh god" he muttered smile dropping, "you really don't know, do you?"
"Know what!?" I implored "no one's telling me anything"

I felt something tickle my mind and then I heard his voice. Only his mouth wast moving. The soft, resonant sound was being projected straight into my mind. "Let me tell you everything" the arrogance in his voice clear. I jumped back in shock, eyes wide.
"What was that?"  I spluttered "how were you in my mind?" A cocky smile appeared on his lips. He had a face that could instantly put you at ease, the kind that could get away with anything, even murder. He smiled wider, as if he's heard me. His voice was in my head again "calm down princess, give me a second and I'll tell you everything" I could feel his presence in my consciousness, an oddly reassuring brush against mine until it had encompassed my mind entirely. His piercing blue eyes stared into mine the whole time, unblinking and assessing my every move.

I am an orange.
The boy next door, who introduced himself as Clancy Gray, (I knew he seemed familiar) was also an orange.
Apart from the Pyrokinetic Red's, we are considered the most powerful and dangerous of the surviving children. They call us Psi. A colour is assigned to each ability: Green, blue,  yellow, orange and red. As an orange if should be telepathic, in theory.
I've never experienced my ability, nor have I attempted to.

"You see, there not trying to find a cure for IAAN, they're figuring out what to do with their freak children" Clancy explained, scowling it the door again. "They don't want to help us, they want to harness us and destroy the power that belongs to us."
"How do you know they're not trying to help Clancy?" I questioned
"Because "he said, expression turning soft snd sympathetic, "I've been here for months now and the only attempts to find a cure have been degrading, painful and fruitless" he turned to face me, looking up from the part h of chipped paint by his foot. "You're not going to enjoy the testing tomorrow y/n" he said concern lighting his face.
"At least neither one of us will be alone" I said in an attempt to comfort him.
"You don't understand what they do to their lab rats." His eyes darkened once more and his lips tightened into a smirk "we're nothing but animals here"


Clancy was right about the testing.
It was excruciating. Before I left the room they had pinned me to the bed, holding me down as I struggled against the much larger gards, wrestling a mask down over my mouth. Clancy's brow was furrowed with what appeared to be concern as they dragged me out, screams muffled by the constricting mask. 

I was stripped bare and fastened to a metal bed frame. Doctors in lab coats swarmed the room placing electrodes and other wires all over me and stuffing a rubber teeth guard into my mouth. The rest was a blur of electric shocks and statistics yelled across the room to be recorded by none other that Doctor Lillian Gray.
As I was dragged out of the room, medical gown fastened around me I caught sight of my mothers signature on a piece of paperwork hanging of a clipboard.

I hear-by give my formal permission for experimental treatments and treatment research to be performed on my daughter y/n m/n l/n as long as no visible scars remain.

It seemed impossible, she would submit me to such torture, but there was the proof. 'No visible scars' I scoffed, she was always so concerned with keeping up the perfect family image but she couldn't possibly have known they would go this far? Or could she?

Getting back to the room I collapsed onto the bed, refusing to cry, refusing to give them that satisfaction. I felt a warm comforting hand on my shoulder, and looked toward Clancy's room, confused. "Sorry", he said "didn't mean to scare you" he smiled slightly "mind tricks" he explained when you continued to look at him blankly.
"It's fine" I said, smiling over at him, " thank you" with that, the fantom hand began to stroke my hair.

Over the course of about a year in the hellhole that was Thurmond, Clancy and I became close. What other option was there? Each comforting the other after treatment or research. I had had plenty of time to learn control of my psi abilities, secretly, despite the guards outside the door. Clancy's skill was still vastly superior, but with his help I was catching up. Judging by the changes in the weather it was winter, I was 16 and it had been over a year since I'd been taken to Thurmond. Clancy had undoubtably turned 17 since I met him. A year doesn't seem like that long but we were different people, damaged. All we had was each other, and more often than not there was a plastic sheet separating us. Over the year, Clancy had become more vocal about his  hatred for his father and the institution. Whispering plans for when we could leave. He would tell he how we would join with other kids like us, we would have our own government and we would rule supreme. I would have done anything he wanted, without being swayed. He had that effect on people, a magnetism that draws you in, the symmetrical face that only grew more handsome with age helped too. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive, not that I'm attracted to him, he's just objectively attractive.
"Would you quiet down" sounded a amused smooth voice in my head. "It's impossible to sleep with you projecting your thoughts like that"
I flushed a deep red he couldn't see in the dark and muttered a apology before going silent. "So I'm attractive, huh?" He teased, I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"I never said that" I rolled my eyes.
"You didn't have to princess, I know I'm attractive" he let out a laugh " plus you were projecting for everyone to hear , and by everyone I mean me of course"
"You're ridiculous" I hid my smile and tried to sleep.
"Night Clance" I said teasingly

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to make suggestion or correct my stuff.
Circe Eliza S

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