Chapter 6 -y/n hiding pills in my sports bra

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A/n: Clancy will be back next chapter. Enjoy

The green girls seemed nice enough, but I hadn't spoken to anyone except Clance for over a year so it was awkward to be around so many people. For the most part I kept to myself, only interacting with the others when I needed to and even then, not often.

Days began to bleed into each other.
Wake up
Why did he leave me here?
Go to the mess hall
Does he not care about me?
Menial labour
Why doesn't he care?
Work in the garden
How could he do something like this?
Back to cabin for lights out
He doesn't deserve my thoughts anymore.

What I thought was about a week after I was moved into the green cabin I slipped into someones mind. Ruby Daily was a quiet girl who kept to herself. Something about her seemed oddly familiar. There was no resistance, sliding into her mind was as easy as breathing. Memory's flashed through my mind. Birthday's, school trips, her parents. Then there was a noticeable shift. I realised I was in a mind, within Ruby's mind. I watched as she first erased the memories of her parents then another girl in the cabin. It was horrible to see her suffering. Horrible and all to familiar.

Shocked by the discovery I project into her mind. "You're like me"
She jolted in surprise, glancing over at me from her lower bunk.
"How did you do that?" Ruby hisses, and I looked at her, confused. Surely she knows what she can do what her abilities.
"What do you mean?" I replied, bemused by her ignorance.

After a brief explanation of my powers and a subdued history of the testing program her astonishment was clear.
"I though I was the only one left" Ruby said " I assumed they'd killed the others"
"Well" I interjected, "there's at least two of us now" I wasn't quite ready to explain Clancy, or the way he had left. That was a story for another time, when the would he had left me had become a scar. I winced internally at the omission, not wanting to lie to the girl. "We'll figure this out together, but for now let's just get some sleep" I suggested.


The next morning, my cabin was working in the gardens. The camp needed to stay entirely self sufficient and who better to keep it that way than the children.
Suddenly a piercing, screeching wail was immured from every speaker in the camp. I clamped my hands over my ears, the excruciating sound ricocheting around my skull.
"What the fuck is that?" I yelled to Ruby beside be as I collapsed, head in hands in the dirt. I could feel blood oozing from my nose and ears. We had calm control in the labs but it was never this bad, it was always a hand held device, not nearly as loud and painful as the calm control in the camp. Did they have to deal with this all the time? With that final thought I lost consciousness, my head hitting the soil of the garden.


Before I opened my eyes, I recognised the familiar sent of antiseptic and the cold metal of the bindings, fastening me to the bed. I was in the med bay. Light stung my eyes as I opened them, intensifying the ache in my head. The curtains around my bed were drawn, completely blocking out the rest of the med bay. I could hear shuffling footsteps and muttering from other beds and patients but couldn't make out any specifics.

The curtain flew open and a young women swept into the cubicle. She smiled kindly down at me. I'd never seen the Thurmond staff smile, there was something off about her. She was too young, to chipper. She hadn't been dragged down by Thurmond's atmosphere yet. She read out my psi number and I nodded in conformation, confused.
"Y/n, right? Y/n Y/l/n?"
I was completely shocked. No one but Clancy, and more recently Ruby, had called me that in over a year. She registered my shock and continued comfortingly.
"Have you ever experienced such a strong reaction to the camps calm control before today y/n?" She asked, glancing at her clip board.
"No" I croaked out, throat dry and stinging. She scribbled on the piece of paper.
"Was anything different this time y/n?" She asked, making direct eye contact with me now. That was very strange, they weren't supposed to look at us, non of them wanted to catch whatever freaky illness we had.
"I-I haven't heard it in the camp proper before"
A look of understanding crossed her face, and was that sympathy I saw in here eyes?
"Test program?" She asked sombrely. I nodded, refusing to look at her.

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