chapter 16- Maybe it worked?

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Hello this isn't that important other than I'm re-writing the first chapter at the moment. The first one will at least be updated tomorrow.

Now back to the story.

You woke up to the warmth of a person attached to your side.

You slowly open your eyes though close them just as fast thanks to the light of the sun.

"Oh thanks heavens your ok! I should get Kenny!! NO the whole squad-!!!"

A strong womanly voice yelled out before she ran out.

I sit up in the bed and open my eyes slowly. Expecting to only see everything in right eyes perspective. Though I saw everything in the room.

The surprise made me move back against the wall.

The room looked like my room in our home. The same messy desk. Soft cushion bed with a big pillow layer out from my back to my side.

Your hands slowly travles to your face. Felling around your eyes searching for the bumpy burnt skin. All that was there though was my soft skin.

Then yelling and loud foot steps was heard making you look to the wooden door.

As the foot steps get closer you move closer to the wall for protection. Scarded. Though you don't know of what.


You want death so why are you looking for protection.

Maybe a disiponted face?

Of Kenny? Caven? Your squad?

Dosen't feel like it.

It hurts to see there faces. Dissipsonted or not. There all dead never coming back. Unless you go to them. So seeing there faces would feel like a stab to the heart though somewhere in your body you knew that you weren't scared of that. You where scared of something more.

Then a crash came and silence.

There before you stood the crowd of people you never expected to see. Your squad.

They all looked the same. Though they had badges on some places of there body the you could see. Nothing less They were all there.

"How." You whimper tears slowly going down your face.

"Your all dead. I watched you all die. And I went to your graves it dosen't make sence. I watched Kenny die. I hung from the crystal ceiling as you all got crushed by Crystal's."

The squad you wanted back was now infront of you. Though you didnt know how. Was this some screwed up dream or are you dead? Did going with Section Comander Hanji's squad work.

Wile you questioned them and yourself, Kenny squad wasn't fazed by anything happening. Most of them thought you had a terrible dream wile out cold. Wile some thought you were just mentally unstable.

Nothing less a few members stood out of the group and walked to you.

The walled to the bed and sat on there knees on the side wile the woman cried.

The first one too take action was the same one who was by your side. Taking you into an embrace. Holding you as a mother would to there child.

She stroke your head as you slowly begain to cluge onto her. Becoming aware this may not just be a dream you sobbed more to the woman.

"Were fine. Look Sofie, kou, and I are here. Alone with everyone else. Do you remember what happened?"

You finally recognized the voice as Caven. Having the memories come back you cry more.

Wrong side□(lexi x ex Kenny squad member□Where stories live. Discover now