Chapter 5- interrogation (Rewirte)

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I know a few of y'all may be wondering (if you even read this again) why I'm revamping this one up before the other ones.

And to that I anwser with....

I have no real reason I just I tk revamp this one up before the others.


Levi sat in a meeting between his own squad, Hanji, Moblit, Commander of the Scouts Erwin, The Premier Zachary, and Queen Historia about what to do with non other than you.

The famous Y/n L/n.

"Ok thank you all for coming today. So what do we know about her?" Zackery starts the meeting with a question.

"She was apart of the anti personal squad, lead by Kenny Ackerman or other wise known as Kenny the ripper. Also leads to means she is a part of military police. We could give her to Nile but I don't think he will be willing to take her under his care and supervision." Hanji informs the information reading off a sheet of paper in their hands.

"She also shot Connie." Sasha adds. Painting her pointer finger in the air.

Zackery nods. "What's her name and basic details." Historia asks Hanji looking their way.

"Y/n L/n. Born is wall María but, unfortunately a part took place and she ended up in the underground at the age of six. From the files on her. Apparently we don't know her birthday. Whitch also leads to us not knowing what her age is. Approximately she is in her late 30'." Erwin anwsers Historia's question looking at the files in his one hand.

"What about mental and physical state?" Zackery asks holding his hands together on the table. Levi spoke this time in a monotone voice stitting up straight in his seat. "I'm the only one who has talked to her so far but, she seemed a little screwed up mentality. She's strangely attacked to Kenny. Which doesn't help with the fact he's dead. Physically is also messed with. She might have permanent damage in both legs. And can only see out of one eye."

"What do you mean by a 'weird attachment' to Kenny Ackerman?" Erwin asks Levi from next to him. Looking down to the top of his head with a questioning look. Everyone looks to him the same as him.

"As soon as she woke up she went to find him. I asked the guards if she's seen herself around an hour ago wile she was asleep and they said yeah but all she said was something about him. She asked about him. Thought looked ready to fight me when I told her his status." Captian Levi explained to everyone around him.

"Is that all she asked?" Historia asks. Levi shook his head in response. "She also asked If Connie and Hanji were ok." He adds. Historia took a breath in and nodded her head. Premier Zackery saw this action and choose to ignore it as he leaned back in his chair. Un clasping his hands just to bring this to his lap and clasp them again.

"Well I think we give her to the survey Corp. She has already gone through the training for it. She is good with weapons and giving her to the other regiments would be a waist of talent. She can learn to fight the titans with her legs like they are. Before that The Queen can you talk to her, then Commander Erwin. I think that might help a little." Zackery informs the people around him the plan.

Historiya nods before everyone stood up one by one pushing in the chairs behind them and began to leave. Wile Levi began to also walk out someone stops him from behind.

He looks behind to see two member of his own squad, Connie Springer and Sasha Blouse.

"Did she really ask if I'm ok?" Connie asks. Pure shock in not only his eyes but voice. Captain Levi only nod to his question. "She was also wondering if you can go down there and talk to her. Obviously we would bring guards down there with you if you were to go. Your choise."

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