Chapter 4- first sight

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Your POV.

Pain. The first thing I feel. Everywhere on my body. My face. Hands. Legs. I slowly open my eyes. I only see out of one though. I'm on my stomach with my hands fine front of my head. I look down at my hand and see my front right hand burnt slightly. I then look to my legs and see a small bolder but big rock on my legs. I use the small strength I have ignoring my pain to push off the rock. It takes my a wile but I do. It moves slightly crushing my legs. Once off I look around me. The sunlight hits my eye. I look away and look at all my dead comrades around me. One stood out in particular. Caven. I see her and my eyes start tearing up. I crawl to her and sit my her head. It was crushed in with her head blessing out. Eyes open. I shack my head and feel water on my face. Then a name went through my head. Captain Kenny. Where is he? Is he ok? I have to find him? Just like that I stood up. Legs shacking. I start to move to look around. I can barely see from my one eye. What's wrong with my other eye. I move to the edge of the hole I am in and try to get up. I start to climb up so ignoring the pain and the throbbing in my legs. I lift myself up to see Kenny sitting against the tree with what may be Levi. I use all my strength to pull myself up. Once up I began to crawl to them. "Kenny" I whisper to myself. "Kenny.......Kenny.........Kenny" I keep whispering to myself until I get to him. Him and Levi seem to be in a conversation when I got there. I was there on my hands and knees to the left on Levi. "Kenny. We need to get you somewhere. Or else you'll. You'll die!" I say as loud as i could. Not very loud. Kenny look at me and smiles. He's burnt. Blood almost everywhere on his chest. Hair missing. He then looks back at Levi and hands him a box. Then back and me and places a hand on my head. His blood on my head. His hand cold. Not like the first Time he did it.


We just got done with Kenny Speech. I'm officially part of the squad. One of my idols. He's my squad leader! I sat in the floor legs crossed. A Smile plastered on my face. Ignoring everything around me. Until I feel a flick on my head. My head hits the wall behind me." What the hell." I look up to see Captain Kenny. I jump and stand up immediately and bow to him. "Sorry sir!" I apologize to him."no it's ok. You weren't listening so I kinda needed to get your attention. I just wanted to say thanks for actually showing emotions back there. I may not seem like it kinda meant a lot." He tells me. I smile comes back to my face. I can't believe it. My idol. I captain. THANKING ME! "It's ok! I'm happy to be in your squad. This may sound crazy but your my idol!" I tell him. He begins to laugh. "REALLY! Me?!? An cereal killer! HAHA! Well I'm happy. Thanks kid!" He says to me. Then he places a hand on my head ruffles my hair. We begin to laugh at his action. I've never had 10 but if you look wonderful. Someone actually happy I'm here. I'm really happy.

End of flashback

My body jerks forward.I'm big and panting. Some kind of dream? Maybe? I think to myself. I then began to notice my surroundings. I'm in a Cell. No light other then the lanterns around the room.Cobblestone walls. A crappy bed. I look at my hands and see my right hand burnt. Not all but half of it. Both chained to the walls. I still can only see out of one eye. I look in front of me and see a chair. It's empty but there. I see two soldiers there. One a girl. One a male. "Hey! Where am I?"I ask them. The male looks at me. "Wall sina. Captain Levi brought you here." The man tells me. I nod. "What about my squad." I ask them. They don't answer. "Please answer me. Please?" I ask them. They still don't answer me. "At least tell me. Did Caven and Captain Kenny live. Please. Maybe what I say what a lie. Maybe. There alive too right! They have to be!" I say to the. "There dead." A voice Comes from where I can't see. My eyes widen. I look up and see a person in the chair now. It's Levi. "Your squad is dead." I look at him not saying anything. How can he just say that. I only nod though and lean against the wall. "So what do you plan to do with me?" I ask. He also leans against the wall. "We're going to talk to the queen about that. Considering what you did. I also came here to talk about your state." He tells me. I sit up wanting to hear what he has to say. "Well your legs got messed up big time brat. We haven't wrapped them up yet because we haven't decided what to do with you. But the doctors did tell us that there is a possibility that you won't move like you normally do anymore." He tells me. Somewhat aggressively. I nod to him. So my legs are shit. Evan if I live I. Ant really move anywhere. What about the kid I shot. I look at him wile he stands up. "Wait! What about the kid I shot in the leg. Also the person Caven shot. There ok right?" I ask him moving the chains around my arms. "Tck. There fine. If he wants to Connie will come down here and talk to you. Though we will have to have guards with him. Hanji is fine too." Then he leaves. I forgot Connie was his name. I hope he doesn't have crutches. Maybe they will give me a mirror to see my face. "Hey can I have. A mirror." I ask scared to see myself. I don't know why I just have a..... bad feeling. "There's one to your left near the sink." The woman tells me. I nod then look to my left. I can't see that far though with one good eye. "Um. I can't see." I tell them ashamed. The male groans. "Hitch you unlock her and follow her to mirror." The male tells Hitch. "Who said you can give me orders, but sure." Hitch tells him then unlocks the door to the cell and comes in. Once she closed the door again she walks over to me and unlocks my chains. I stand up my legs shacking. "Thanks." I then try to take a step but end up falling. I fall to the floor and groan from the pain. Hitch help me up the help me to the mirror. I close my eyes once the mirror is in front of me. I'm too scared. I push my fears aside and open my eyes. Once there open I see myself. My hair the same h/c. My eyebrows. Ones missing, not the only thing though. It's not missing it's just.... burnt. My eye. From my ear to my eyes is burnt. It's looks like captain Kenny's burn. "I. I. It looks like captain's." I whisper. "Yeah it looks pretty. Come on, let's get you back." Hitch tells me. I don't move though. I continue to look at my self. Not myself though. More like I see death.

My comrades

My team


Captain Kenny

Hitch drags me back to my bed and chains me back up. She leaves me there laying down staring at the ceiling just thinking. Why should I be alive. Why not Caven. Captain? Why me? The last thoughts before I fall asleep.

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