Chapter 24- the letter

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I'm using the manga for this chapter again.

At the moment I am away from home and dont have the episode to whatch.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Also sorry this chapter wasn't fully reread so there will be ALOT of mistakes.


Levi and you listened to what Flock was saying. It wasn't as if you were ignoring it. How could you. He was almost yelling. Coming at everyone in the group near him.

You wanted to go and tell him off but Levi stoped you.

He knew this was something that Flock had to get off his chest. You did as well. You understood this was better to get off his chest then keep it bottled up. So you listened instead. Making sure he wouldn't go too far. Hearing what he wanted to say.

You still wanted to smack him across the face. Out of anger of him. For the way he was making Armin feel. You could see the pain on his face.

The way his eyes were widen and him left cheek sunken in a little showing he was butting the inside if his cheek. Clentching his fists.

He was hurting. Didn't have to say a word to show it.

Flock was just rubbing it in. The fact that Erwin was dead and Armin was Alive. That he was a survivor.

Eren was the one to finally break the system. To stop Armin in his path of self destruction that was coming from his own mouth.

He talked about the outside world. How there was still hope and freedom out there until it came to a stop.

His mouth went dry and his eyes were wide.

You couldn't tell why? Were his eyes showing shock or fear? Why did he stop? Armin told you Eren and his dream was to go outside the walls. See the ocean, mountain, a desert. So why stop in the middle of what he was saying about it.

Levi stepped up at the opportunity opened to him thanks to Eren and The silence he created. "Hey you brats." He paused allowing the group to look to him and you to move over. "Its time. Line up." Levi pointed his thumb to the steps.

The scouts and you walked to the steps. Commander Hanji, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Armin. In the front with Jean, Sasha, Connie, Flock, and you in the back.

You a got on one knee as the military men and woman behind lined and gathered leaving a big area for the Queen to walk down.

As the doors swung open and Queen Historiya walked down with a man holding a box behind her the scouts stayed still. Not looking back at her majesty but keeping there head held high.

Once Historiya was standing at the front everyone in the scouts placed their right hand on their heart with their left arm on there knee. All bowing there heads in respect.

The box the man had opened up showing pendants with the scouts symbol showing that were shinning from the sun outside showing its blue coloring.

Historiya walked to the man. Taking ahold of one of them before walking to Hanji. She gently placed the pendant on them titentung it around their neck to the perfect size before Histoiya placed her hand infront of Hnaji. Allowing them to hold her hand gently in theirs placing a kiss ontop before letting go. Allowing Histoiya to do the same with Levi.

She grabbed ahold  of the pendent. Bringing it to Levi's neck. Lowing it before tightening it to the perfect size to fit his neck shape before letting go to have Levi kiss her hands next.

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