Chapter 2- Before the battle (rewrite)

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You and Caven stood outside the door against each side of the door where Historia, Eren, Rices, and Kenny were in.

All of others were preparing the wagons outside in the silence of the night. We at least the ones that lived the recent battle.

Your squad has never done a job were anyone could possibly die so having members die was somewhat big.

You were feeling sick. Though you hid it under a plain face or a happy smile. The thought of your dead squad and killing the member of Levi's squad made you sick though that is the nature of this squad. And you will do what mist be done for the royal family and Kenny with his dream.

Then your mind drifted to other things. One being Eren and Levi Squad.

Obviously there coming back for Eren but how many. Will they bring more or the same people. You remeber the people you looked at as you left with your squad though you still wanted another opinion.

"Hey Caven. How many people were we fighting to get Eren and Historia." You ask her. She takes her hair out of her usual ponytail and begins to fix it.

"From what I saw there were eight. Levi, a girl with short black hair. Also a male with hair up to his shoulders blonde. He killed Cari. A male with two toned hair and an undercut. Then a short guy with a buzz cut and lastly a woman with brown hair tied back. Don't forget Levi." Caven tells me still fixing her hair. Her saying Levi lazily.

You chuckle with a nod then look at her and see her struggling. You sigh and walk over to her and grab her hands. "Let me help you." You let go of her hands and she places her hands in front her her.

You grab hear hair and brush it inbetween your hands pushing them down to her usual low ponytail. You tie it back and turn her to face me. She complies and looks at you.

You fix her bangs how she likes them parted down the middle not in her face. As you finish a smile runs to your face. "Done!" You yell to her ignoring the fact she is right infront if you. She smiles back.

"Let me fix yours it's messy." Caven says to you under her breath. You feel you head. You h/c was messy with many tangles from all the wind.

Afger feeling your head you move your hand down to your side and nod. You turn around and as her soft fingers flow though your messy hair. As she brushes her hands through my hair you feel loved. Like the feeling you read when reading a romance novel.

You liked the feeling. It's calming to you. You've only had two people do this too you.

Kenny and Caven.

I guess you can say ever sense joining his squad he has kinda became a father figure to you with Caven as sister. She is your sister.

As she turns you around, pulling you out of your though. She looks at you and nods. You nod back knowing she did a good job.

Then the door opens reveling Kenny holding Eren with Rices, and Historia following behind him.

"Hey help me here." Kenny calls to Caven and you. You rush to bis side and pick up Eren. Our small group of you walk outside to the rest of the squad with a unconcious Eren and walking Historia.

You slowly place Eren in the back of one of the carts and get in with him alone with Historia and Caven. All of you began to leave shortly after to the underground church where dreams will become a reality.


"You bastard's. Do you think you're hero's because you beat up those rookies. They didn't even know how to wipe there own ass's." The Captain of this area told Captain Levi who stood above him.

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