30- Good News

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    Small steps is what I'm told to do. Weather it be from old people or new people. It's always take small steps.

   Don't go from one to 100. Go by twos or fives.

   But that's to slow. Why not tens? What did tens ever do to a person. Did someone die because they took too big of a step.

   Well that was a dumb question because, there are plenty of story's out there about that. About someone moving to quickly and they get burned.

  But maybe I could take a step. Instead of going snail speed to the end, I'll go by tens from now on.


    Days for you could be better. Today was the day you put on the calendar to go bust the grave yard.

   Which meant you had to get flowers, food, drinks, blankets, a pillow, and a bag.

   Though you also had a doctor appointment today. Yes it was in a room in the same building and floor. But they took forever and more.

   Explaining, check up, breathing exercises, food intake levels and where they should be at, medicine refills, mental, and you can't forget the Actual procedure. Where they would sometimes call in Levi, if he wasn't there to begin with.

  He came most of the time. To help and to learn. To learn what you needed and what was best and to help both you and the doctor.

    And just like every-time he would come with you to these appointments, he knocked on your door.

  "Come in Levi." You said before shoving your head into a pillow.

   He slowly walked into your room, closing the room behind him. And walked to your desk and sat down.

  "I know today is the day you go to the graveyard but you have to go to this appointment. Just go tomorrow. It's good for a change of schedule."

  "But it feels wrong." You paused for a moment to lift your head from your pillow to be heard better. "It's like you changing your tea flavor. It's not meant to happen." You frowned, turning on your side to face him, wile still laying in bed.

  "It's nothing like that Y/n." He paused for a moment to look at you in bed. "And I do change tea flavors."

  "Well you know what I mean. I don't want to change this. " You fought back. Still laying in bed.

   He leaned forward in his chair, coming closer to you and your bed.

   "But you have to go to this appointment. I know you know this but it is talked about at you appointment about your mental health too. If you want her to think you're progressing there too, maybe take a break from this. Try a change in pace today."

He said softly as he placed his own hands in him pockets. 

"Just for today. Then we'll go together tomorrow and stay as long as you want."

    You had to think. Yes, Levi had made a good point, though you were not progressing in ways you wished you were in your mental health, this could make her think you were. And maybe it actually would help. 

  You took a quick breath and looked at him quickly. "Ok. You won. Let me get dressed and then we can go." 


  And then he left. Leaving you to quickly get changed. You wore a simple long black skirt with a light brown loose shirt. Not forgetting to burhs your own hair quickly before you go. Not doing anything fancy but, just leaving it straight down.

   You limp to your door, ready to get this over with. You met Levi who was waiting to the right of the door. He held out his arm to you wanted to support you. 

  You gave a small smile and a small thank you and looped your arm around his. Then you both walked to the office. Per usual, it was not a lot walk but took long from your own leg.  Finally, the two of you made it to the office. He knocked for the both of you.

  A faint "come in." was heard form the other side of the door from a sweet sounding woman. Leaving the both of you to walk in the reveal the similar room with the same doctor as always. 

  "Hello Y/n, welcome welcome. How are things going?" She asked wile Levi led you to the bed. You waited till you were on the bed sat with no pressure on your leg to speak.  Wile you were doing that she began to place a pair of light cotton gloves on.

  Finally you made it to the bed and Levi moved to the chair near the desk. "I've been ok. " you began.

  "My foot feels better then last time. I've been taking that medicine everyday like you said. But, my leg feels the same. Almost worse sometimes, but that's just on bad days."

   A small smile was all she gave as she moved a wooden stole to look eye to eye on you while you sat on the bed. "Yes that is to be expected. We have bed and good days in the healing process. What about this here?" She pointed to her head.

  "Better." you lied. You knew it hadn't changed. Maybe a bit better but honestly, not enough to mention to the doctor. 

 " I'm here instead of the graveyard, which is improvement. And I've began to stop mentioning them in every conversation I have." 

The second piece was a total lie, You had still done that. But what does she know. 

   " Good, okay can I get a look at your foot?" 

   You didn't answer but instead took your shoe and sock off. Slowly you moved against the wall and allowed her to poke, squeeze. and prod at your foot. You didn't shift until she began to go higher. She started at your ankle and moved right above it. As she pocked your leg an immediate shock in your leg moved to your entire body. 

   You bit your lip, fighting a yell of pain and gripped the sheet. 

  Levi jumped up, seeing you fight the pain, and ran to your side and grabbed your hand. He had hated seeing you in pain. He wanted to be with you right now more than anything. And he understood why the doctor had to test you the way she had. Though, for a reason he did not know he felt the need to punch her seeing you like this.

  "Well Y/N, I'd say your foot is all better. I don't feel any pumps throughout the inside of it. Though you're leg is another story. I've met with doctors in Wall Sina recently to talk about you."

She said as she grabbed out a note book full of writings and drawings. 

   " I want to try to wrap it up one more time to see if it helps. But I can understand this pain you're going through and I can't imagine walking on this everyday. In Wall Sina there is two doctors that have replaced body parts with a new. Not another real body but a metal or wood body part so they can live normally. I want to design one for you and try it. Though I need you to agree and talk over the design." 

   She explained wile reading over notes. You were shocked. A new leg? You could have a new leg? Why though? Would you be able to walk normally? 

   You looked to Levi, who was already looking to you. You both looked at each other wondering what the other was thinking. 

   "I think I want to" You said unsure. 

   " We'll talk more about it the next appointment depending on how the wrap up work on your leg this time. But, I would be more then willing to give you this and we can work through this together." 

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