chapter 25- Cards

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Thank you Isayama.

I know he dosent read this story(obviously) though I still want to thank him and everyone reading this story.

This is getting a lot of attention I didn't expect and I really hope everyone reading this is enjoying it.

It's sad the story of Attack on Titan ended and I won't spoil anything for the anime only people reading though I will say this. (Not a spoil)

Get ready your tissues when it get animated because it's a roller coaster of emotions and again.

Thank you Isayma and everyone reading this book.


For some reason Levi couldn't leave your mind. It wasn't the usually someone would expect when you say that either. It wasn't as you were imagining him in bed with yourself.

You were wondering if he was eating. If he had enough tea. If he was tired from working. If he was tired and sore from the recent battles the scouts have had evolving cleaning up the left over titan around wall Maria.

You paid attention more too. The way he stretched his body before sitting down to drink tea in the cafeteria. The way his mussels moved almost around something on his back.

How he always has a new cut on his hand. Or a new bruise somewhere on his body that would decided to show when the both of you worked on paperwork.

You paid more attention and when you noticed you would try to fix it. Either it be grab some ice and place it in a towel. Or hot water with a rag and gentle rub circles around the sore part. Even if it was just placing a bandaid on his a minor cut. You tired to help.

It would always take longer than normal considering how fast you could go at top speed but you made sure to take the least amount of time.

Levi had noticed this change in you. He noticed the way you cared for him.  Almost as if you thought he was an elder and needed someone to whatch him.

The way you looked at him changed to. Instead of looking at him the normal almost empty eyes with something clouded behind them. You looked at him as if you had a purpose. A new found purpose. Your eyes weren't as cloudy as before. Instead they were darker.

Their was still life in them. Even so they were still dark.

He would sometimes just stare at you as you do paperwork, read a book, talk to friends, or watch the outside. Your eyes were dark and almost as if you were keeping something down.

Especially when you looked outside.

Levi would find you just starring at almost nothing outside a window. You would always space out. You mouth would hang open and you your eyes would become dark. They looked as if they were glass too at times.

Even now as you stare at the paperwork in your hands. The candle light shining your face showing your eyes become glass. Your scare almost jumping off your face and hands.

He slapped his hand on the desk bring you out if your daze. You jumped in your seat and brought your head up to his eyes. "Yes Levi?" You question out of breath from the sudden jump.

He didn't respond. Instead he just stared. He stared with his grey eyes as your e/c stared down to his hand. Noticing the smallest cut you stood up grabbing your crutches and walked to him.

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