Chapter 1- The bulid up(rewrite)

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You stood in line a big group of people. Most you didn't know but one you did.


Your best friend sence you joined the training corp who now stood next to you. Now after three years even joining the military police, here again you stood in the underground in a house waiting for your new team captain.

Though you knew nothing of your new Captain you were hoping for someone other than a jackass military man you've met before.

Than the door opened and a man in a trench coat and hat came out. Only showing his chin and hair in the back. His boots clicked as he makes it to the front. He stoped when infront of Caven and the man next to her and flipped to look at us face down.

"My name is Kenny Ackerman. Never been fan of the name but I've also been called, 'Kenny the Ripper'. That's because I've slipped so many MP's throats I got bored of it. But a lots happen sence. And as of today I'm going to be the Captain of this team. Nice to meet ya." Kenny said to us.

You were taken back by the man's speech. The Kenny.

Not because you were scared of him. But, complete opposite. He was somewhat of an idol to you

Wile everyone had there heads down you kept it high up.

Kenny was taken back from everyone's mood.

"So yeah I realize it doesn't make sence. If I were you I would be pissed too. Being led by a craz killer Who's not even from the military." Kenny spoke until a voice next Ymir you cane out.

"It doesn't matter. The wall fell two years ago. We've given up on fighting the titans. Instead we will fight for what little land we have left. That's the reason the whole squad was made for right. That's what all of is are here for.we fallow the rules climb up the rankesand now here we are.

Caven stopped for a moment looking up at out new Captain. "What do I care. It's fine by me."

Kenny's face was calm. Thoughts unknown to anyone other than him probably walking around him brain. Than he began walking to Caven smiling. Showing all his teeth laughing.

Once infront of her he stuck his hands out infront of him. "No need to worry. I didn't really ask for this squad to fight the titan or the scouts. No that was just a little pretext I thought of. Something to make those jackasses on the council nod there heads. So why are we here.?"

Kenny stoped this time as everyone's face around you became worried. Wile Kenny stepped back moving his hands up.

"I'll tell you why. It's all for a grand dream! To become the strongest around." He tells us all.

I hold up my hand slightly waiting for him to notice for me to ask a question but don't want to be rude. He looks and nods.

"Aren't you already the strongest?" I ask him surprise is my voice. He began to chuckle again. "I though so too until I met someone of something I guess."

He answer me. I nod than go back to listening as Kenny explained more.


You sat outside of the pur small home in wall sina looking at the sky waiting for Kenny to come back. "Y/n!" Caven yells running to you. You look at her and hold you hand in the air. She waves to me. "Captain needs us for a new job." She informs you. You nod then get up from you spot.

Since the day you've joined you ran up the ranks and became second in command, behind you is Caven.

You walk with her to the gate to wall Rose where Kenny holding three jackets and three binoculars.

"Hey Kenny. What's with the jackets and binoculars?" I ask him still walking towards him. He throws one jackets and binocular to each Caven and I. "A job. We have to go and capture Eren and Historia for king Ricess. We're going to find where they are first then make a plan."

He tells us. You nod wile placing on the back jacket. The same with Caven. "Captain Ackerman do you have an idea where there at." Caven asks wile we walk to a cart where our ODM gear is sorted.

"Yeah. Faint but I have an idea." After that there three of us got into the cart with Kenny and Caven in the front and rode off. We stayed silent as we rod in Wall Rose. The next time someone talked it was Kenny.

"By the way. We have new gear. Also we're going to put the old training we did to Use." Kenny tells us. Snickering under his breath.

"Which one." You ask. "People on people Y/n." He answers you. You nod lookingbas you past trees.

As you guys got closer to a forest Kenny slowed down until at a complete stop. "Well get out and walk to the rest of the way." Kenny jumps out.

You and Caven follow and make it to a cliff where you lay on your stomachs and look through the binoculars.

From where you were you could see smoke come from a place in the forest miles from where you three layed.

"Is that it Kenny?" You guestion the man to you right.

"Yeah, that's them." You scuffs getting up walking back to the cart leaving you and Caven a good distance away from him.


You stood one the edge of the building pointing your guns at Levi.

You can't see a lot of him but he looks short. You aren't veary tall but you look taller than him. Maybe not by a lot though at least an inch. So what. Then his voice came out. It was deep and angry.


You don't know why but the voice made your stomach tighten and squize. As if little butterfly's somehow sprouted inside.

You ignore the feeling and pay attention to what is to happen.

The Levi guy thrugh his jacket in the air which made some of your squad fall for his trick as he runs down the roof shooting his anchors into the house and maneuver in between the houses. You shot at him trying to hit your target following the order you were given.

As you hit his check just grazing over him. You smile at your achievement. Though that didn't stop your from still shooting.

You tired to hit him again even as he flipped and rolled. Until he hit himself into the door of a bar.

You shot up to one of the roofs of the houses near the bar and walk near Caven still prepared to react if Levi were to come out of the building. Once next to Caven you asked a question.

"What's so special about him anyway?" You ask Caven. She looks at you and shrugs. Not knowing what to tell you. "Captain never gave details but apparently he is a huge block in getting Eren and Historia."

She tells you the information she know's. You nod then see something fall out of the building.

I don't point at them knowing who it was from his body and hat. Then the breaking of a window and gun shots go off fro your left. You shot your head to the source and see Levi kelling your team. You signal everyone near you to go and help wile you check on captain. Hoping he isn't dead.

As they all left you jump down doing a front flip to land smoothly. You walk over to the Captain Kenny. Once next to him you kneel down and poke his side. "Did you die." You ask him. The moves his hat away from his face. Talking. "That's a stupid question how would I answer that if I was dead." Sitts up. "Sigh* I don't know. You wouldn't. Need help up?" You ask holding out your hand. He takes it and stands up. "Did everyone else go?" You nod. He nods too then both of you go to were everyone else went to help the situation. As you near you see they have them in a cart leaving. Both of you follow behind.

Before tou go you look behind to see your dead comrades, a boy with blonde hair, a male with two toned hair, then the Levi dude holding back a girl with short black hair.

You look as closly as you could at there faces anlizing them for later. After that you sigh and follow suit of your squad.

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