Chapter 19- A story once never told before (1)

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So I've been thinking of uploading my Todoroki x Oc fanfic.

What do you think?

You were born in Wall Maria by your mother who now you don't remember her face or name other than the name mama. You do remember her hair was the same color as yours that she wore up in a bun. She was short compared to your father who stood almost as tall as the door to your small house. As like your mother you don't remeber his face nor name other than Father.

You don't remeber a lot from Wall Maria. It could be because your mind pushed it all away or you were just to young though most was fuzzy when you tried to remeber what happened.

Though your mind remembered a few memories. One being going to Shiganshina, though you just remeber going in the gate holding your mothers hand. Than going out the gate, you holding a basket wile you eye was swollen.

Another being walking around town with your Father. You sat on his shoulders and got bread and food for dinner.

Also a memory of your mother, father and you drawing pictures and cooking.

You thought that nothing could brake you apart. Because those nameless and faceless people loved you. Though now you know that they didn't all that much.

The memory you remembered vividly was on your sixth birthday. You had an amazing day of playing outside with your mother in the snow. Drawing with Father. Backing a cake. Opening a gift box that held a small doll.

The doll was a girl who had long blonde hair. She didn't put her hair up though. He bangs converse he forehead and some of her non existant ears. She wore a brown and pink dress and has bright blue eyes and a big smile.

Your mama said she made it herself. You kept it with you and loved it. Jumping around and dancing with it.

Then when you are the cake she sat on your lap as you fed her a peice as well. Your father told you about a nonexistent job he had. Wile your mother laughed at him and her own jocks.

Though your happiness broke with a loud knock on the door.

You father sat up from the table and walked to the door. You watched as he opens the door from you seat. The table wasn't that far from the door but you couldn't see who stood behind it though Father seemed terrified.

The voice was low and what you guessed at the time the man was tall because your father stared straight forward. The man said that they had to go because of there rallied up dept.

Father began to shack and protest about what the man had to say. Saying he could pay. Though you knew that wasn't true because Mama and Father were home all day.

Even your mother got up and began to protest. Saying they'll both get a job. The man to your knowledge wasn't convinced by there protest. You heard mettle hit against eachother as your parent stop talking. Then your father spoke the words that proved to you he didn't love you as you thought.

"Take my daughter!" The man you called father yelled to the man on the other side of the door.

At the time you were confused. What did you mean take my daughter? But it's your birthday?

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