chapter 20- A trainees days (2)

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This is part two of the last chapter even if it has a diffrent name.

Also I've decided that after this I will start publishing the Todoroki x OC.

I will still update this story as much as I have been. So updates will still be coming out often.

Thank you for all the reads and stars by the way. Thank you for reading this far in the story to.

Adding on, this is your past. So unlike in the present of this story with the scout regiment I won't go into details all the time becasue it isn't important to the story. Whitch also leads to a lot of jumping around whitch I'm sorry for.

Also this is a short chapter and I apologize for that.  This chapter wasn't planned to be this short then ended up being short.

You ran around the track for an hour now keeping a steady pace like the stair men had giving you advise on.

You were tired though keep running your hands in fist and your arms going with your movements.

You haven't stoped nor slowed down becasue you started slow and kept the pace.

The cut off jacket kept bothering you though you liked the pants. You haven't wore pants like these before and there gave you movement. Unlike the larger pants that sagged you got from the stair men. Those were more for your comfort and relaxing.

"Cadet Stop. Go eat." In instructor said to you from where he stood. You stoped and leaned back looked up at the sky.

Admiring the clouds again becasue you already saw all you could from yourbrun in the area you could see. The clouds had changed slightly but no cool shaps play in the sky.

You then look forward again and walk to the cafeteria to eat like you were meant to.

Sence today was only a introduction all the cadets got to look around and chat. You haven't talked to anyone yet nor eaten so you decied to eat before talking.

As you enter the cafeteria only a few people still sat at the tables chatting. Non eating though. You grabbed your food that layed cold and sat at a far table and ate. Though the food was cold is was still better than the hard bread or the leftovers from the stairmen. 

Once you were done you out the plate away and go to the womans dorm again to just lay down until dinner or tomorrow.

You walk into the room with no one batting you an eye and go to lay at the bed that had your name on the bottom bunk. The bed was hard though, comfortable. The blanket weren't as warm as your big one you had sence your sixth birthday though adding it was warm.

You close your eyes and let the warm drown you as you slowly fall asleep.

The next day when you slowly open your eyes everything was dark.

Outside the sun was barely up and everyone was still sleeping.

You decied not to go back to sleep and instead whatch as the sun comes up.

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