Daphne and Hermione pt. 2

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As you guys already know, I scripted myself to be close friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. That's already an automatic approval to most Gryffindors despite me being a Slytherin. Safe to say not all Slytherins are as bad as you think, okay?

The Gryffindors in my DR are as much of the friendly and outgoing people that they are perceived in the movies. I mean sure, most people would agree that they are overrated and for what reason exactly? But we can't deny they're really fun people. Also kind of the "cool house."

To make it a little more fun, The Gryffindors sometimes hold parties in their common room. It's not big like how fanfictions make it look like. It's actually quite small, and pretty calm. Music playing with food everywhere. Noises are mostly from people playing different board games and such. And they're all just Gryffindors. There would sometimes be students from other houses present. To be specific, there are only so few of them, either those dating Gryffindors, siblings, or close friends. And luckily for me I'm able to befriend the chosen one himself.

One day the trio invited me over again to the Gryffindor tower for games and some cake the twins stole from the kitchens. I asked if it would be cool to take someone from my house. They said it's okay since they trust that it wouldn't be Malfoy LMAO.

Night came, I was in the Slytherin dorms and changed out of my uniform when I asked Daphne to come with me.

"I don't know, I don't even know anybody there?" She said.

"You're with gonna be with me the whole time! It'll be okay. Plus Harry and the others said that they're fine with me taking anyone as long as it isn't they Draco. I'm sure they'll like you," I tried to convince her.

"Thank you so much Phy but I know you're only doing this to get me closer to Hermione but I'm fine. I think I'll pass for now."

"If you say so," I said then went back down to the common room to see our other friends gathered there. Shit? It was only the second time I was invited out to the Gryffindors and the first time went out smoothly since nobody from my house caught me leaving. 

"Not off to see Potter and the mudblood are you?" Pansy asked as soon as they saw me and eyed my attire. Unlike the rest of them, who were all in their night robes, I was wearing casual clothes.

I wasn't sure if it was better to lie or to just tell them the truth.  I wasn't able to answer and was already running late but thankfully, Daphne came rushing down to stand beside me. "We're going to meet with Gryffindors," she said, zipping up a jacket. It seemed like she had a last second change of mind as it's obvious she only wore her pajamas underneath.

Since it's Daphne that's speaking, they didn't argue anymore. Daphne and I left the common room and headed for the Gryffindor tower.

On the way there, Daphne and I caught the Weasley Twins, a few bags of what we assume were food stolen from the kitchen.

"Here for game night?" Fred asked me.

"Yeah. I brought a friend with me," I said.

"Harry told us. Know the password in?"

"Harry's waiting, he told me to just knock," I said and the fat lady in the portrait scoffed.

"I'd like to see you try to lay your Slytherin hand on at least my frame!" The lady said and so I knocked on the canvas HAHAHAHA. She was already rambling insults when it it opened from the inside to reveal Harry and Neville.

They greeted me and Daphne while he went over to help Fred and George carry the food and drinks in. We went in and I said hi to Neville and complimented him on how well he was doing on our previous Herbology Class. I also told him I would love it if he can help me out in the subject since I'm really bad at it but he kinda gave an attitude and said "Only help I can give you is tell you to start getting used to touching dirt" AHSANXKJAXNA OKAY.

Some of the Gryffindors were already making noises in a corner while they play a game and Ron called us over near the fireplace. He gestured for me and Daphne to take a seat on this one three person couch. I sat on the middle and Daphne sat on one end.

"Where's Hermione?" I asked Ron.

"Down in a bit," he answered.

I assumed that there would a chance that Hermione would sit on the couch I was sitting on so I took the chance and scooted to the other end then pulled Daphne to the middle. As if on cue, Hermione came, and sat down beside Daphne.

"Hey! Greengrass, nice to see you here," Hermione told Daphne OHMYGOD SHE'S SO NICE THO.

I felt Daphne grip my hand when Hermione talked to her. I was about to combust ohmygod. Daphne only smiled though. 

There was an awkward silence so I spoke. "This is Daphne Greengrass, by the way," then I introduced the ones present in the circle which are the trio, the twins, and Neville. They were all a little silent but eventually started the game. IDK how there came to be muggle card games there but they did. 

We were a little loud, fighting here and there. I felt a little bad about Daphne since she was unusually silent so I whispered to her "Having fun? We can go back if you don't feel like it."

She shook her head. "I'm fine," she said a smiled.

We continued to play.

"So Greengrass," Hermione spoke a few minutes into the game. "You're in Muggle Studies right?" Daphne is indeed taking Muggle Studies and it came off a bit surprising since people never really thought of Slytherins as anyone accepting of muggle borns, much less muggles.

"I do?" Daphne cautiously answered, probably unsure of why Hermione would ask that what she's also in that class too.

"I've been meaning to ask what made you take the subject. I'm guessing you're not much of a blood supremacist like Malfoy are you?" Hermione asked. The game still going.

"Oh god no! My family don't really share the same beliefs as them. Or at least they don't really teach us to have a certain belief exactly," said Daphne. "How about you? Why do you take the class? I believe you're muggle born."

"I just thought it would be fascinating to study it from others' point of view," said Hermione.

"If you ask me, I think she just took all classes just to rub it in our faces that she can take all those classes," Ron said suddenly

"Believe what you want to, Ronald," she said annoyed.

"You take all the classes, is that possible?" Daphne asked.

From then on they started talking throughout the game. I was a little out of pace then so I started talking to Ron.

When the game ended, Daphne excused herself. I asked her where she was going.

"Hermione, is going to show me some of her muggle novels," Daphne said.

"Hermione? You're on the first name basis already?" I said.

"Well she called me Daphne," she shrugged. "We'll be down in a bit," she said and followed Hermione up to the dormitories. Wow... even I haven't been up there and Daphne beat me to it.

They were up there for a few minutes. Those left down in the common room began to eat and just started talking (mostly about Slytherin slander but okay, understandable.) 

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