Starting 3rd year in Hogwarts

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When i tell you how lost and confused i was when i first woke up in the slytherin dorms. first thought was iT WAS FUCKING SCARY IN THERE Y'ALL I NEVER THOUGHT I'D BE SO AFRAID OF THE SLYTHERIN COMMON ROOM UNTIL I FINALLY SAW THE LAKE OUTSIDE OUR WINDOW. why did we have to be underwater?

But yeah, i was lost, confused, had no idea what time of the day it was and what day it was as well. I got up anyways, got ready and went out of the dungeons to see the sun was already high up. afternoon. so my first instinct was to look for Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they are my scripted friends... idk, main character things. So anyways, I assumed they'd be having lunch at the Great Hall but they weren't there. Instead, when I got there, I got called by the Slytherins in my year: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Millicent Bullstrode, and Theodore Nott.

First, Nott... was hot. Thank you fancasts and edits online, my DR Theodore Nott turned out hella attractive. But of course, I can't deny that I shifted to get closer to Draco mfing Malfoy like that bitch has been my crush and living rent free in my mind ever since I first saw him in Prisoner of Azkaban and hE LOOKS ANGELIC BYE-

I can't stop staring at him.

So I approached them, like it was obviously the only thing to do since I'm in the same year as them, I'm supposed to be with them.

(Dialogues approaching! It's been so long so I'll try my best to remember what they said exactly.)

"Where have you been all morning?" Tracey asked.

"Dormitory. What have I missed?" I asked.

"Not much. Not that you shouldn't worry though. We'd lose points if you do this again," said Pansy. gurl she kinda annoying but okay.

"Sorry," I just said.


"She just woke up, Draco," Daphne said before I could answer. Not that I would be able to speak anyways because I'm an awkward fuck.

That's basically the only interesting thing to happen on my first day.

As exciting as it seems to finally be in Hogwarts, it feels a lot more like school in general. I still feel dumb as hell and also dreading schoolwork there even if it has only been a few days.

I chose to study Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creature at the start but I hated what we do in Care of Magical Creature so I scripted that out and changed to Arithmancy. Not that it was the worst decision but it was fairly hard despite being interesting. Before you ask, and I am ashamed to admit this too, I did not absorb anything from my classes. I almost to nothing even. The only time I actually study there is when I forced to do so in group studies with friends. Thanks to the advantages of scripts, I don't have to worry much about what goes on in the papers they give us LOL.

When I'm not with the Slytherins, I'm with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. How we became friends? We'll never know since I just scripted it. Can't say my Slytherin buds are happy about it tho. At least Daphne was pretty tolerant about it being practically the only one who doesn't care about blood purity, love her, total queen.

It was far from my dream Hogwarts experience and was often bullied by Draco and the other boys in our friend group when I get back from hanging out with the Golden Trio. Nothing severe but it was pretty annoying. So honestly, I just scratched out the idea that I'll ever have a chance with Draco AHAHAHAHA. 

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