Party at the Malfoy Manor

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DISCLAIMER: I do not advise that you do anything that I just did here. If you guys judge me for it, I completely understand... I actually have a lot of regrets here too.

Alright, let's go :(

Birthday celebrations in my DR don't happen often because most of them happen while we're all in school. Even my birthday at the time was fairly uneventful. Just greetings and people being extra nice. But George thought he would at least do something so he made all of his friends (and even people I literally do not know) greet me when they see me and give me one of the paper roses that he made so that he made sure everybody knows it's my birthday. That was actually really cool. I never really cared much about people doing anything or even remembering my birthday but how he did it was actually genius because there weren't no big celebrations but just couple of small gestures which are already enough to make me feel special :'( By the end of the day, I got myself another bouquet and George and I took a picture to add to the little TV he got me for Valentine's day. 

To those who know me, you might think that it was an inconvenience for me to now have dozens of paper roses just stuck amongst my belongings and you're right. But I appreciated them too much I couldn't throw it away so I cut them up to lengths and placed them in a round box with the little TV on the center just like those boxes of roses on instagram HAHHAAH it looked really cute come oooon.


But there's someone who has a birthday on a date while we're still in Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy. He also didn't make much of a deal just like everyone while we were in Hogwarts but knowing the little Slytherin Prince that he is, it's impossible to let the year pass with him not getting a special event for himself.

Sometime during the summer of 1994, the Malfoys sent out invites to friends and relatives, announcing that Draco's going to have a party to celebrate his birthday. I wasn't sure if it was him or his parents who decided on it but it seemed to be an annual thing already seeing as he's an only child. He also didn't seem excited about it since he never mentioned anything when our friends were exchanging letters through the first days of summer.

I was both excited and nervous. I mean it was going to be a party filled with Death Eaters and people in high positions most likely. But of course I was excited to finally spend some time altogether as a group with our friends.

I had no idea what to give him and so I asked people and decided to go for a music box (which played Can't Help Falling In Love) as requested. It didn't have any lyrics of course so that was completely platonic. Then I decided to take people's advice and give him accessories since I'm also all about those and gave him a set of rings.

At the day of the party.

It was a semiformal event and it was mostly filled with adults and small children. I decided to stay with the group (Greengrass, Zabini, Parkinson, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, Davis, and Bullstrode) and left the adults alone for the most part especially since some of them also had their parents invited to the party. Draco wasn't with us as he had to go around talking with other guests.

It was fun, we were roaming around the manor, just playing around, we also had a little question and answer portions with each other as a little thing I promised to do on tiktok (which I will show in the next entry) and just enjoyed the night for ourselves.

Everyone was starting to settle and pleasantries were done being exchanged. There were then a few performers on stage. They're usually the guests themselves other than artists. They'd give birthday messages then proceed to perform something. And it went on all night throughout the party. 

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