Christmas at The Burrow

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(Sorry if I don't seem very expressive in writing this. I am writing these entries of Third Year at the time where I am currently in the summer before Fifth Year of Hogwarts and a lot happened already. I'm trying to be authentic as possible with the emotions here.)

Another disclaimer. I might miss a few points here as you may notice that these entries aren't as detailed as they are supposed to be. I do not keep a physical record of what happens in my DR and I honestly can't remember everything to the smallest of details. If I have to be honest, I actually just use my past Shifting Stories videos as source to try to remember what happened but not all of them are very detailed as well. Still, even if I'm a horrible writer, I'm trying to at least deliver the story as best as I could and I hope you guys still enjoy it!

The last few days at Hogwarts flew by quickly. Before I knew it, we were on the train back to Kingscross station and where we met Molly and Arthur.

Unfortunately I didn't experience riding the Flying Ford Anglia and had to travel through Floo Network which isn't fun btw :( 

As soon as we arrived at the Burrow, we all took a break to settle first and fix our things up in our designated rooms. There were a few small talks while we were at it. The couple were very kind especially Molly who kept telling me that George has told them a lot about me which instantly had me feeling butterflies in my stomach. Molly was regarded to me as George's girlfriend which made George tell them that it was "nothing like that. She's just happen to be a very special friend."


Molly gave me and Hermione a space to sleep in Ginny's room. It was a crazy flight of stairs by the way. My anxiety could have been worse in the Burrow if it wasn't for the fact that I know a lot of magic goes in to keeping the structure together. But damn the house still kind of scared me. I feel like every creak was going to give out and I'm certain that it would if it weren't for spells.

After we finally got everything fixed we changed into more comfortable clothing. Molly had me, Hermione, and Ginny join her for some Christmas shopping so that we'd be prepared to celebrate. 

That was the first time I went to some place outside Hogwarts other than Hogsmeade trips. It was almost like a regular market street, of course, a lot more interesting that what I am used to in my CR but it was still pretty normal enough. 

Having the privilege to script me some money in my DR, I took the initiative to also pay for some of what they bought. Of course, Molly didn't want me to because I was a guest but I insisted anyways because I SWEAR it's not really always that I actually do something to help others LOL.

It was when we were looking through Christmas decorations that Molly started asking about me.

"You've been in Hogwarts for a while. I don't think George ever mentioned you until only this year," said Molly.

"She's been close friends with Ron, Harry, and Hermione way before though. I guess it only took time for George to take an interest in approaching her," Ginny answered, looking at me as if asking to add something to what she said.

"Oh. Yes, I've been friends with the three of them but I never really saw George and the others often enough," I told Molly.

"Well at least it happened. I actually remember George sending Arthur and I an owl before he decided to invite you out for the first time. Since then you've been in his letters and would never shut up about you," Molly gushed.

And I feel like I was going to combust. At that moment I really did feel like I hit jackpot with George AHAHAHA But it didn't help that I was a shy awkward fucc and I didn't know how I was supposed to respond to that or to act with Molly in general.

"What did George say about Phy? He never tells us and we're dying to know!" Ginny said.

"Nothing other than how great Phy is. I can always tell how much he's enjoying himself when he's with her. Although it never came to mind how the two of you manage to spend any time together. He never told me but I figured you're not in the same house as them?" said Molly.

"She's not. She's in... Ravenclaw, mum," Ginny said immediately.

I swear she's acting weird and I was honestly about to deny but Molly said "It really doesn't matter if they're in the same house or not, dear. What I want to know is, George isn't missing out on classes and his studies just to make time for you, is he?"

"Of course not," I said but actually, hE DOES. "He's doing alright. He actually joins me in the library most times if I need to get work done."

"Well isn't that wonderful? I think you have a good influence on him," Molly told me.

We finished up with shopping and went back to the Burrow.

When we got there, we proceeded to setting up the last of the decorating with the ornaments we just bought. The trio and I reunited again and decided to stay out of the Burrow for a bit while we wait for dinner.

"Are you sure the two of you aren't told to help in the kitchen?" Ron asked me and Hermione while we were taking a walk alongside the road.

"You're their son, why are you asking us that?" Hermione said.

"You're the girls?" Ron hesitated.

"That's a horrible mindset. And don't worry. We offered and Molly told us we can explore a bit," I said. "This isn't your first time here, right Harry?" I turned to Harry in an attempt to include him in the conversation. I always found Harry the less talkative in their friendgroup which I'm not sure why because... he's the main character.

"It isn't. It's a weird story how I first came here but they're all great. I don't know if I can the same to you seeing as you're dating someone in the family," Harry joked.

"Hey, Molly and Arthur were nice to me. But it does feel a little awkward being around the family of the boy I'm dating," I confessed.

"Hey, relax, it's not like you're going to marry him soon," said Harry.

Hermione held me back before I shoved Harry. 


We laughed it off. Hermione began to speak again. "There's actually something strange that happened this afternoon in the market. I hope you don't mind me telling them, Phy?"

"I don't. Go ahead," I told her.

"You and Ginny have always been alright with each other when we were at Hogwarts. But a while ago, she kept talking over you when Molly tries to talk to you," said Hermione then turned to the two boys. "She even went as far as telling Molly she's a Ravenclaw."

"Well no offense, Phy. But it's pretty understandable what Ginny's trying to do. It's not entirely a pretty thing to say you've come from Slytherin. Especially... you know..." Ron shrugged.

"I think I saw that coming already. I guess that's why I'm more nervous than I'm supposed to when I knew I was coming here," I said. "But hey, I'm having fun so far. And it's definitely a lot easier since I have you guys with me."

"Regardless, George cares about you and that's all that matters," Hermione reassured.

We walked around the village for a bit before we decided to head back to the Burrow for dinner.

Christmas was pretty eventful. Although it wasn't as traditional as what I am used to in my CR, it was still amazing being able to spend it at the Burrow.

Molly, as expected, was such a great cook. I don't usually eat much but I swear the dinner was almost like a buffet already for me. It's already overwhelming enough that I am spending Christmas at the Burrow but then they went all out in celebrating and it was all just very magical. I even got my own iconic Molly's knitted sweater which was dark blue and had a gray 'P' on it.

Long story short, Christmas at the Burrow was by far the best Christmas ever and I'm sad it had to happen in another reality.

It wasn't all very perfect though because I was still very shy and didn't talk much being how socially awkward I am but they were all very warm and approachable. George and I didn't really get any alone time since Molly was very strict about those things but I was happy how she regarded to me as someone more than a friend to George.

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