Confined at The Infirmary

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So remember when I scripted I can't get sick or feel pain in my DR? It took some sort of a wrong turn when Draco pushed me down the stairs... and I pulled him down with me. Things started getting weird when we were brought to the infirmary that day.

We were back down at the dungeon floor at the end of the stairs. I was lying there, dizzy, staring up the then blurry ceiling. I knew I hit my head a couple of times but I still didn't feel any pain then. The worse I felt was like as if I was spinning still and maybe even about to throw up. I couldn't say the same for Draco though. I could hear him whimpering and when I turned to look at him, he was curled up beside me, hands in his face.

"I'm bleeding. I'm fucking bleeding," he sounds like he's crying.

"Shit," I breathed when I tried to roll over to him and it only made me feel like puking on the spot. "What happened?" I tried to pry his hands from his face but he refused.

Nobody was coming. I didn't even think anybody heard us. Our only hope as of the moment was for Snape to get out of the Potions classroom and find us first but I wasn't ready to explain how Draco and I ended up there.

I got on to my knees. "Come on, Draco," I said, trying to pull him up. He was being difficult, trying to hide his face from me but he still got to his feet. I was supporting him by his waist while I stood up to but when he started putting his weight on me, I felt one of my legs fail and I was back on the floor again. One of my feet and ankle was numb. It felt as if it wasn't there at all.

"What's wrong?" Draco crouched down. Then I saw his face. Yup, that was one horrible nosebleed.

"I don't think I can walk," I said poking at my foot and I still felt nothing. It's the weird thing about not being able to feel pain there. I have no idea what exactly is going on with my body. "Do you think you can... help me up?"

"And carry you all the way?"

"Fine, I'll go get George," I said reaching for my bag so that I can get the transfigured parchment George gave me.

"No, no. Come on," and then pulled me up from the floor.

"Okay, point for Malfoy I guess," I joked in reference to when I told him he was jealous of George.

"Don't start now, I can easily push you down the stairs again."

On the way to the infirmary, we were lucky enough to come across are friend group. From there, the guys helped  me and Draco up to madam Pomfrey.

In the Hospital Wing. 

Madam Pomfrey did her little diagnosis charm on us. Draco had a broken wrist and of course, his broken nose. While for me, I actually ended up actually spraining my ankle. To make matters worse, I cut myself and was bleeding at the side of my head and I didn't even notice since... well, I CAN'T FEEL SHIT. Pomfrey told us that she can patch us up in no time but she's gonna have us confined for at least up until the next morning so that she can make sure we let ourselves fully recover.

Of course I tried to convince her that I felt fine and didn't feel any pain but I couldn't reason without having to give her an explanation to why I was like that. And I wasn't about to risk myself from getting found out that I am.... built different or something like that.

So there, overnight with just Draco in the infirmary.

It didn't really start out great since he was pretty mad at me for pulling him down the stairs with me. Of course I find that unreasonable and get pissed off because he was the one who pushed me. Then that just lead to him blaming me for pissing him off with my comment and I had to defend myself saying it was a joke and I didn't think it's affect him at all and definitely didn't think he'd actually push me off the stairs for it.

I then go on to tell him that maybe none of it would have happened if he was a little more sensitive when he told Pomfrey I could be pregnant and now it started a whole rumor in the school. But in the end we just agreed that it was Pomfrey's fault for babbling about it. Seeing how we both didn't want to continue fighting anymore, we just stopped talking and started playing cards.

Later into the afternoon, our friends came to visit and gave us the school work that we missed for the day. Pomfrey was kind enough to give us an hour with our friends to catch up on schoolwork but they were eventually sent out half an hour later because she noticed Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott weren't working and was just playing around.

Before dinner came, George visited. And if this isn't the sweetest thing ever omg, he came bringing food straight from the kitchen and some snacks along with toys in case I get bored according to him. And that was so thoughtful of him ohmygod. AND GET THIS!!! George even brought some for Draco HJBXABJHABXJAHBXJAHBBDAXB obviously because he knows  Draco was there and it would kind of be rude to only bring stuff for me. But I kind of want to believe that maybe George hated Draco less now. Draco didn't want to accept the snacks so George just gave it to me. We only had five minutes talking to each other before Pomfrey sent George out since according to her, he doesn't really have any important business with us . Bitter much. 

George left and that's when Draco finally asked for his share of the sweets LOL

"I don't see why you didn't just accept it from George when he offered it to you," I told him.

"Like hell would I accept something from a blood traitor," Draco scoffed.

"Then give the snacks back so that I can have more if it."


"Fine, I'll just say thank you to him for you."


Evening came and we didn't really talk much. I sort of just waited for him to fall asleep so that I could shift back to my current reality. But just when it already got too quiet he started bugging me.

"Do you still need with that Potions homework?" he said out of nowhere.

"Maybe tomorrow? I really want to go to sleep now," I told him.

"It's early."

"It's not."

"It's ten."

"And I'm sleepy," I said and started to fall asleep again.

"Can I please do your homework?" I blurted out and I almost jumped in surprise when he suddenly spoke again.

"Why do you want to do it so badly? We have until next week," I groaned.

"Then... Do you want me to do anything for you?"

"Draco, what's going on?" I sat up.

"I'm just asking if you needed something? Since you hurt yourself pretty badly back there," he said and I laughed.

"Ohmygod, Draco. If you feel bad about pushing me down the stairs just tell me. You don't have to force yourself to make it up to me with other things." I was still laughing. His expression looked as if he would have slapped me if his wrist wasn't broken and if the side of my head wasn't healing from a wound.

"I don't plan on saying anything since you deserved it," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course." Why did I even think that he would actually apologize to me. He was getting really annoying and I was starting to actually feel like my body was drained as heck in my current reality so I let him be. The smart choice as of the moment was just understand his gestures. I'm not really a big fan of how he never acknowledges his mistakes and only tries to make up for it while still denying it. But like as if I can actually expect a character development from him anytime soon. That will probably only come when he becomes a deatheater. So I told him, "Fine, you can do my homework. But I'm going to sleep now, if that's alright."

"Go ahead."


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