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Celaines fingers travelled against her phone screen looking for the right words to say to him, once she ends it with Kaleb, she's free isn't she?

But yet something filled her, guilt almost as she sat on the uncomfortable airport seats, she felt hopeless.

What if she needed him?

But he emotionally abused her, he had done this since high school, all the dream team could remember was her sobbing into her mic at least four times a week.

But he was there when she cried, he held her and told her everything was going to be okay. He knew what happened between her and her dad and why he was never discussed.

When the world was against her, he built her back up. But not in the caring way, she is almost fragile to the touch.

Cant fend for herself, and that's why she needed Kaleb and almost as if he knew she was going to text him her phone buzzed lightly in her hand.


have a safe flight
and an amazing trip
i love you celaine


Celaine couldn't do it now, she stared down at the message. He wasn't always that bad, he cared he had his moments but he did care a lot.

"thank you kaleb❤️" was all she responded, she couldn't bring herself to say those three words.

Don't say them unless you mean them. But they set off a warm feeling in her chest.

But then her flight was called, her phone went to airplane mode and she headed over to board the plane.



hey where are you?

just landed, section a3

okay i'm at b6 coming over to you now


Quickly rushing along the new area she was in, half asleep as her eye lids were promptly closed she looked around for directions on where to go.

"Where the fuck is A3?" Celaine muttered looking around the packed airport. Looking up at the signs in hopes of actually getting somewhere she looked for a blond amongst the crowd.

As she strayed forwards she finally saw the sign, 'a3' and ran over as fast as she could. Her eyes then locked on a small blond who stood in the crowds looking back at her.

"Niki!" she shouted, the two ran to each other meeting in the middle. "Oh wow hello," Nikis small voice responded as they met in a hug. "It's good to actually see you," the two pulled apart.

"I could say the same," Niki smiled uo at her before going to call an uber. "Did you get a hotel?" Celaine asked looking down at her slightly. "Yup," she hummed walking along the airport.

"I've never been outside the Netherlands this is uncharted territory for me," Celaine admired the view around her, it was almost too good to be true.

Everything looked brighter here, happier almost. But maybe it was just the idea of Kaleb being hundreds of miles away that took a weight off her shoulder.

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