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tw: manipulation tactics

The next day Celaine woke up to a slight groan, but it wasn't from her. She rose from his chest, head pounding, stomach growling at her as if she hadn't eaten in years.

"Morning," Fundy mumbled, his voice was raspy, and lingered with exhaustion. She looked over at him, and looked back up at the tv she had placed in the room, a movie he seemed to have been half way through the live action of alice in wonderland.

"Did you even sleep?" she looked over at him, his eye bags darker than usual. "It's fine," he replied, sitting up next to her. "You look, and sound exhausted, try and get some rest, i'm gonna go to the kitchen," she watched as he laid back down, hardly letting his eyes shut.

"I mean it, just try you can't go home like that, i'm not letting you get in a car that tired," the boy silently hummed in response before closing his eyes.

She walked out of the room, closing the door lightly as to not startle him. She knew he was restless but didn't know it was that, as she walked to the kitchen, her eyes peered out of her living room window.

A bright red car sat outside, she turned a shoulder ignoring it as she prepared a bowl of cereal for herself as she began to scroll through her phone.

She was scrolling through her app of choice, twitter. Liking fanart she saw, comments on random things and replying to her friends dumb tweets.



hey, are you up yet?

just woke up?


isn't it like 8 am in the US?


okay whatever, what's up?

how have you been?

good, fine all above

wtf does that even mean?

i'm great

why are u so annoying

i didn't even do anything

just u.. existing

this is why you are my least favorite

i don't care

okay shut the fuck up

no but, how's your door
and your arm

all good, fundy took care of me


yes fundy, he's been at my house
for a few days

i'm calling you rn


Watching as her phone rang, she groaned as she picked it up. "Hello Dream," she mumbled, "Are you eating?" he asked, she only laughed in response.

"I just woke up, it's breakfast time," she heard his soft chuckles before he began to speak up. "Where's Fundy?"

"Sleeping, hopefully. I feel bad, he doesn't sleep that much. But anyways, he's been here for like two days and we fell asleep right after my stream.." she heard him gasp from the receiving end of the call. "Like in a bed together or separate," he sounded like a sixth grader as he took in the latest news.

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