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Sitting at a small restaurant, she was waiting. Unsure as to why she showed up, or why she even said okay to this. The waitress coming back for the third time, "ma'am are you still waiting on someone?" she asked, looking down at the girl who's fingers tapped against the table. This was the third time she asked, the third time. "Yup," Celaine responded not even looking up at the waitress but at the people who walked by, masks covering their face.

"Okay, I'll be over there when you need me," she pointed over to the bar and walked away. "This was stupid, how am i supposed to know he'd gonna be here?" she asked herself. Looking down at her phone the time read 4:25 pm. He was supposed to be here at 4. Not having his number didn't really help her either. Loosing the number was the stupidest thing she had done.

As she let out an over reactive sigh she turned back watching the kids run around with their parents and drag them into different stores, something she missed doing. Growing up seemed to be the worst part about life.

Loosing her parents didn't help either, she was forced to grow up faster then she would've liked. Learned to take care of herself, to cook, and to stay on track in school all while being a kid, a fucking kid .

She shook her head clear when she saw a familiar figure enter the restaurant. He looked around, as if he was lost. She stood up, and waved over at him. Something in her praying it was him. When he looked over, his smile was seen even beneath his mask as he walked to the table.

Sitting down he didn't say a word, yet his eyes did all the talking as the two removed their masks. "Hi Ellie," his soft smile brushed right into her heart as she smiled at him. "Long time no see," she responded sarcastically, as if they didn't see each other three weeks ago. He laughed at her remark before placing his hands on the table.

As he opened his mouth to start talking, Celaine took over. "How'd you find my number?" after she lost his number she thought she had lost contact with him forever. "One of the people at the memorial gave it to me," he responded lowering his head. "I'm glad they did," she reassured, "i lost your number, and thought I lost all contact with you actually," she looked up at him to see his smile.

"That's why you never got back to me," he laughed, his laugh was hoarse but it was the same laugh celaine remembered from the years he was there. "Didn't do it on purpose," she joked.

Looking around the restaurant she saw the waitress making their way towards her. "Good evening, what can i get for the both of you?" she looked over at celaine, smiling almost. "A water will be nice," her dad was the first to answer. "Just a sprite," she spoke up.

The lady wrote it down and left the table. "I'm sorry I was late by the way, completely forgot my ways around the netherlands. Paris is just so much easier, you can always ask someone for directions," he tapped his fork against the table as he talked. "I bet paris is nice, fancy food, fancy people, fancy accents," the girl smiled.

"The Eiffel Tower is a site to behold if you want me to be honest," his fork still tapping against the table. "I bet it is, I got my few share of monuments and what not.. then again this is just Amsterdam."

He laughed at her response byt the conversation soon fell short as he glued his eyes to his phone, Celaine did the same. Waiting patiently for him to spark a conversation.

After a few minutes of silence he looked up, placing his phone down. "The two guys at the funeral, who are they?" he asked, she looked down to see his leg shaking as he tapped the table. "Oh George and Floris," she responded. "George has been around since I was like ten, and I met Fun- Floris through work."

He nodded, waiting for more. "Are either of them a  you know," he laughed awkwardly. "Oh relationship stuff, George is like my annoying older brother. But Floris, he's different.. a good different obviously. He's been there through a lot. He actually met Oma before she passed away, she seemed to like him. But no we aren't anything, I mean I want to be, I just don't know how relationships really work." She sat star struck that she had just poured her feelings to her father.

"So you like him, which one was he?" he asked, "the taller one," was the only response she could come up with. "From what I saw, looks like he feels the same way. But are these serious feelings?" their conversation was cut off when the waitress approached the table with the two glasses.

"What can I get you both to eat?" she asked placing them down. "American style burger," her dad responded. "Chicken fingers," the girl mumbled. "Will that be all? American style burger and Chicken Fingers?" Celaines dad looked over at her, she nodded and he answered. "That will be all thank you," the waitress nodded and walked away.

"Back to what you were saying... I think they are, he just, i don't know. He's different then anyone else, like a good different like someone I want around for a long time," Celaine couldn't hold eye contact so directed her gaze to the table. She took a sip of her drink. "So it's love?" her dad asked, Celaine nearly choked on her drink, looking up at her dad who was laughing.

"It's what?" she asked, as she picked up her napkin patting her face dry. "Is it love?" he asked, chuckling as he spoke. "That's a big thing, love," she responded watching as her dads eyes widened.

"Hey, this isn't me pushing feelings onto you. But I get it if your closed off you know, it happens to the best of us. No ones perfect, but don't stop the mental blocks from letting you be happy, or even admitting how you feel," her dads wise words making her feel confused. "I know dads advice isn't best, but I haven't been around a lot.. I'm pretty wide," he joked.

"No kidding," Celaine laughed. "I try not to let the past effect my future, but it always feels like it's going to."

"Just let your feelings speak for you, it's easier then you think. Look at him, what do you feel? Happy? Safe? Secure? That will help you in the long run."


this story has 2-3 chapters left tbh
she came to the realization, he did
she got dads advice what more can i say

but celaines story isn't over, it's carried on in my friends story who i've promoted thousands of times gi-islost   she has celaines smp story and it's a love triangle between sap dream and her oc who wouldn't want to read that.

Thank you guys for almost 30k on this story, we are popping off. i appreciate all the comments and votes, the support is amazing

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