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Celaine woke up, it was earlier than she would have liked to but the loud shouting and the pestering was all she heard outside of her door.

She looked over to see the Dutch man receiving the same fate as he sat up groaning. "Good morning," the girl chuckled.

"Oh good morning," he laughed rubbing his head. "Is  THE Fundy hung over?" he shot her a look. "You're gonna tell me you are perfectly fine you literally ended your relationship while drunk," he slapped his hand over his mouth as he saw Celaines eyes widened.

"Okay maybe I don't remember everything," she went to grab her phone and realized she had called him last night. "Well this isn't gonna be good, I have to see him today," she shot out of the bed before quickly falling back onto it.

"What are you a noob, don't get up to fast," he laughed at her hoping to break the awkward tension.

"Shut up I'm panicking," she flipped him off and stood up steadily on her feet. "See I did it," she threw her arms in the air in celebration.

The Dutch man followed and stood up right after, the two walked out of the room together. "Good morning," George smiled, despite being passed out drunk at the mere hour of 11 am he was fully dressed.

"Are we going out? Did I miss the scheduling?"  Fundy looked up at the group as he ruffled his hands through his brunette locks.

"We are just spending our last day correctly, now go wash up the both of you we are heading out at 12:30," Dream demanded pointing for the bathrooms.

"Aye aye captain," Celaine saluted him before walking off, she chose the bigger bathroom and placing all her belongings and her freshly picked outfit beside the shower.


Tommy was being obviously obnoxious as he vlogged the group who was walking to McDonalds.

"The best way to film a vlog isn't to film funny things," Wilbur walked beside Tommy and Tubbo. Dream, George and Sapnap all took place in walking in front of them, in hopes Tommy wouldn't record them.

The rest of the group trailed behind. "They look like idiots," Celaine whisper while she walked on Fundys side, he quickly moved himself so he was standing closer to the street.

"You are right," he laughed. "WOMAN!" Tommy shouted in the middle of the street, he turned the camera to Celaine in an instant who was wide-eyed at what took place.

Her and Niki looked at each other and began laughing as the people around them gave them looks.

Finally they approached the McDonalds.

"Everyone order, my treat," Celaine announced as they approached the self ordering. "That's ridiculous," Dream said approaching the machine first. "There's a good amount of us here i'm not letting you pay," he took out his credit card.

"You all got me out here, this is the least I can do, if you pay i'll just cash app you the money," she smirked up at him.


The group had ordered and they walked along the sidewalk. Tommy once again had his camera out, "Go up to people and ask them questions," Wilbur insisted, Tommy did just that as he stopped in his tracks and put the camera in Fundys face.

"Fundy what are your thoughts on woman?" Fundy laughed and held up the sign he had on his hands, that had the number 69 the two of them broke into laughter as Niki and Wilbur started giggling.

"Oh wow, oh wow," Tommy laughed, he panned the camera over at Celaine. "So woman, how do you feel about this," Tommy pushed the camera in her face.

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