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Groaning as she got up, she looked over to where Fundy had slept the prior night and noticed he was missing.

Getting up from the bed she walked out to the front room where everyone was piled, Tommy seemed to be running frantically into the front room, running straight for the kitchen as Tubbo ran behind him, the two grabbed plates and filled them just as fast.

"Is anyone gonna answer my question?" Celaine looked out at the group when she realized all the eyes were on her. "Well what was your question?" Wilbur asked walking past her looking down at her sweatshirt.

"I said who is Sage?" she repeated as she walked to the couch, "Mr.Beast, you know him right?" Sapnap asked looking at her, grinning.

"Yeah, who doesn't?" she laid back onto the couch, her head sinking into the pillow. "You know the camera girl with the ski mask?" Sapnap quizzed. "Yes, is that Sage?" she looked around the group as they nodded.

"She's definitely hot," she spewed out gaining a look from everyone around her. "She wears a decorated ski mask, I said what we were all thinking, minus you two don't be weird," she glared at Tommy and Tubbo as they grew into a fit of laughter.

"You two would get along," Dream fell onto the couch. "Sure bet we would," Celaine replied, "where's everyone else?" she looked around the room noticing three people missing.

"She's just worried about Fundy," George teased as he left the bathroom. "No where's Niki, she's my girlfriend," Celaine huffed sitting up, she heard a slight choke from the kitchen and looked over to see Tommy repeatedly hitting Tubbo on the back.

"Tubbo just chew the food correctly," Tommy wheezed. "She just said-," Tubbo began coughing. "It was a joke," Celaine laughed looking over at the duo who was wide-eyed.

"But still, where are they?" she looked around at everyone once again. "They went grocery shopping and cute sweatshirt," Dream teased as she got up from the couch.

"Oh well, I didn't wanna disturb there sleep and..." she looked down to see herself wearing an awfully familiar cyan colored sweatshirt. "This bitch," she rushed into her room to change.

All she could hear was the roar of laughter coming from the front room, her cheeks flushed a bright red.

"Celaine phone your phones going off," someone called out, she rushed out of the room in a new outfit, and leaped over to her phone, unhappy about the text she had received.



sober enough to talk yet?
you'll regret it if you don't


Looking up from her phone she heard two twitter notifications go off in the room, Celaine quickly looked to Tommy who was already grinning.

Celaine grabbed her phone to check and noticed a similarity between the timing of the twitter notification and when Calliopee had sent out a tweet.


replying to @calliopee
ayo! green blob and pandascanpvp
have yo tweet notifs on girl!!

#girlssupportgirls i'll kiss
you rn with your consent

cee|ceeyoulater: mwah👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩


Looking up from her phone she felt eyes piercing into her skull, looking around she first noticed Sap who looked as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes were wide and staring at the girl before he spoke up.

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