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The group began to depart, Celaine and Fundy sat alone in the airport, his main focus being his twitter feed while the girl took it as an opportunity to pay attention to the scenery.

The way the leaves danced together in the subtle winds and how the grass seemed so much brighter here, the way the flowers were lined up along the windows that sat closer to the ground.

She smiled at the scenery around taking it in for the last time. "You alright?" she snapped out of her trance to see the Dutch man looking at her, his arm moving after he had just slightly nudged her for attention.

"Yeah, just it's beautiful," she looked back to the windows staring at the leaves as the went left to right slowly. "It's a lot brighter here then in the netherlands, unless you are in the main streets of..."

"Amsterdam," the two said at the same time, her eyes met his. "Yeah Amsterdam," he softly laughed, his hand met his hair ruffling it slightly. "It's great living there, but I see what you are saying it's a lot brighter here," his eyes only widened as she smiled.

"Amsterdam is my goal move," Fundy's gaze left hers and met the ground, he pulled his sweater threads and tossed them next to him. "I've lived there for as long as I can remember it seriously is beautiful," she leaned back slightly in the chair.

The two fell into a comfortable silence, she had her earbuds in and he had his AirPods on, listening to their own music not knowing they had been playing the same song.

I Was Made for Lovin' You by Kiss blasted in both of their ears their heads rocking back in forth slightly to the upbeat sounds. Celaine silently hummed as Fundy tapped his leg slightly to the beats. They share a look, smiling at one another before falling back into there own worlds.


If Celaine hadn't looked up at the flight boards, the two could have been stuck in Brighton, with two minutes to spare they were in there respected seats slowly trying to catch there breath, Fundys laugh filled her ears causing her to laugh slightly as if it were contagious.

They crashed in there seats, Fundy already had his laptop out, he seemed to be coding as she looked over at the screen slightly, she hadn't even understood a thing that he was doing, it was almost hypnotizing.

He looked over at her, and then slightly at his shoulder before returning back to his work. She moved over slightly and rested her head on his shoulder. He slouched down slightly so she would be more comfortable and watched as she drifted to sleep.

He only stopped moving when he heard her small snores as she rested on his shoulder, he looked at her carry on bag and noticed her small blanket, grabbing it slightly and placing it on her.



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