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The mailbox hinge squeaks open as I dig inside. Bumping his head against my leg, my dog Nox gets tangled up in his leash. He's still fired up after his afternoon walk, snuffling around for interesting scents.

"Hmm... bills, bills, junk mail... oh!"

A large postcard stands out among the rest of the usual, addressed to me. I head inside and lock the door behind me. Tossing everything else aside, I take a closer look at the postcard.

"Aww, look, Nox! It's from mom and dad." I bend down and show my dog. He sniffs curiously before sneezing.

"Dear (Y/N), having loads of fun on our vacation. Hope you stay safe, and remember always to keep your chin up! Hmm?" I check the back of the postcard "that's it?"

well if I was on vacation I wouldn't put to much into writing either.

Putting the postcard in my pocket, I hum tunelessly to myself and start making dinner. For the past few days I've been house sitting for my parents while they are away.

"Any suggestions Nox?"

He yawns once and goes to his favourite spot under the kitchen table.

"Alright pasta it is"

It's far too quiet here by myself, so flick on the tv and set the volume on full blast. One of my favourite talk shows is on. Today it looks like they're having a FBI agent as guest.

"so mr. Kim"

"please call me Namjoon." He gives the interviewer a winning smile, and she laughs.

I don't blame her, I wonder if all the feds are this handsome.

"So Namjoon, could you please tell us more about the situation with gangs in our city?" The interviewer asks.

"Gang activity has been on rise lately, but authorities are doing everything they can to keep people safe. The best thing for our lovely viewers to remember to be aware of their surroundings." Namjoon responds.

"I'm sure our viewers are relieved to know that we have people like you protecting us!"

"I'm more than happy to be of service."

yikes gang activity! I can't even imagine how terrifying to be caught up in all of that!

As the interviewer starts to ask more questions, I hear the water begin to boil on the stove. And glass scattering in the living room. Startled, I turn off the tv and freeze in place, listening for anything else. Something heavy drops onto the carpet. Footsteps.

Oh My God!

An strange man speaks "sweep the house. Leave no stone unturned."

Am i being robbed?!
(no someone is obviously telling you a bedtime story, dumbass🧍)

Blind with panic, I turn to try to escape out the backdoor only to see it wide open, and a masked man standing squarely in the center of the frame.


"Hey, don't move!" He unholsters a gun, pointing it directly at me.

"Boss, we found a somebody over here!"

There's a steady drumbeat of footsteps, multiple people filling into the kitchen.

"Their daughter, looks like. She might know something."

know something? About what?

My mouth is dry, my whole body trembling. But if I don't find a way out of this, I'm dead meat. If I know what they're after, maybe we can negotiate?

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now