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sorry for spelling mistakes, I didn't proof read it. ALSO UM THE TEASER PHOTOS ARE BEAUTIFUL 🐸

The morning of the tournament starts like any other. I don't even feel a hint of tension as I get ready, waking up before Rosé as I usually do. I take a denk of cards with me as I do my hair in the bathroom, combing with one hand and trying to shuffle one-handed.

"Trying to learn a new trick?" Rosé squeezes in next to me, giving me a thought hug and making me lose my concentration. When she retreats, she pushes something small into my hand. Curious, I hold it up. It's a ratty, matted, little, blue...fuzzy lump?

"Er ...what's this?" Rosé beams. "My lucky rabbit's foot, of course!" "I didn't peg you as the superstitious type." "I was a kid when I got it, so I used to think it was cool. I guess a little childish to still have it, huh?" I quickly shake my head no. "Not at all! It's cute."

Suddenly, that little ratty thing feels like the most priceless gift I've ever received.

Considering how tight-lipped Rosé had been about her past, the fact that she's opening up more and more makes me feel incredibly special.

"Thanks, Rosie. I'm sure to win now I have your luck." "You don't need my luck to win. It's all you baby. Now get out if here for a bit, I need the shower.

Downstairs, I find Lisa with Nox. Noticing me, Lisa smiles as she squishes Nox's face. "Morning." Her chocolate brown eyes immediately notice the rabbit's foot dangling from a keychain around my wrist. "..."

Then she turns to the cupboard, pulling out cereal and pouring me a bowl. She also fetches coffee for me without a word. Strangely touched, I accepts it all with a soft thanks. "She needs someone like you." I blink a few times, spoon of cereal halfway to my mouth. "..." She looks ready to say something else, deadly serious. Then she smiles, and fixes breakfast for herself too.

So even the other gangsters are beginning to think I'm special..? And they know Rosé a lot better than I do...

After a short walk with Nox around the mansion, I wonder where Rosé is.

I want to cram in as many practice as we can before the match.

Checking the gambling room first and finding it empty, I decide to go back to her room. Sure enough Rosé's in there, reading a book on her bed. For a moment I just stand there, leaning against the doorway. Feeling content, and warm. Peaceful.

"See something you like?" I twitch when Rosé looks over her shoulder at me, giving me a sexy, knowing smile. "Definitely." "Is it the glass of water by the bar? Because you're looking thirsty as hell." I laugh, feeling my face turn hot.

Closing the distance between us, I sit down on the edge of the bed, my heart pounding wildly. "Can I tell you something? You have to promise not to laugh. It's something I wanted since I first got here..." "The fact that you say that guarantees I'm going to laugh, but go on." I make her a face, shoving her lightly.

"Can we kiss?" I pause. "O-on your bed?" Rosé's eyebrows furrow. And her lips tighten, trying hard not to smile. "Rosie." She turns her head away, shoulders shaking. "Roseanne!"

Rosé can't contain it any more; she starts laughing out loud, slapping a palm on the mattress. "Bwahahha-!" I grab one of the pillows, holding it over my face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! You were just...that was so cute." Taking the pillow from my hands, she leans forward to kiss me. Hen she darts back, lips curling in a devious smile. "There you go. A kiss for good luck." "Okay but..." I struggle for something good to say, something sexy or seductive? "I need more luck."

Laughing again, Rosé pins me down on the bed. Her grip us surprisingly strong, and I'm left breathless from the struggle as she takes control, kissing me over and over again. "Is this what you want?" "Uhuh." Rosé takes my face in her hands, letting me go so I can wrap my arms around her in a clinging embrace.

Looking up casino doors, I reach out for Rosé's hand on instinct. "So what do you say? Feel lucky enough?" "Between the kisses and the rabbit foot, I'd say I have this one in the bag."

"Hey genius." Jisoo walks past us, giving me a hard pat on the back. "Get to your spot already or you'll lose by default." I nod, pausing only to kiss Rosé one more time before taking my place.

Jisoo is the only one who came with us this time. The other gangsters found a lead on my parents and are following through. I don't know how to feel about that. They were the ones who left me, after all. But I know how to feel about this game. I'm going to win.

"Hey, kid. Seen any good movies lately?" I  pointedly ignore Jimin as I take a seat, readying myself for the match.

I doubt he even knows how much havoc he wreaked with that video.

"Beginner's luck won't help you this time. It only two people moving forward to the next round." I frown, looking confused and helpless. "I'm sorry, were you saying something?" Jimin falls for it, leaning closer. "I said you're not moving to the next round!" "Sorry. What?" He scowls, getting frustrated. "I said you suck!" I blink at him in distress, putting on my best bimbo face. "I'm really not getting it. Can you explain?" "Oh, forget it." It doesn't matter what Jimin says, though. I squeeze the lucky rabbit's foot, heart thumping out of my chest.

I'm going to win. For Rosé.

I find her in the crowd and she smiles at me and blows me a kiss. Then he match begins. I play aggressively. The style Rose taught me takes advantage of a lot of tricks, and my memory quirk gives me an edge over everyone else.

"Hey Jimin, if I win again what'll you give me?" "Another home video, maybe?" He smirks.

He's unflappable, playing like a sedate old man just as before. But I can't be too bothered by it. I win round after round, crushing the competition.

This is even easier than before.

And then Jimin begins to play more aggressively, meeting my bets even when he doesn't have a good hand. And the Jimin places a hight bet.. almost ludicrous high.

He knows I'm in her. She's bluffing.

Smirking at him, I raise and call him bluff.  "Hahaha." Meeting my eyes, Jimin laughs and re-raises. I hesitate. "Playing with your own reputation, huh?" Does he actually gave a good hand? Or does he think he has a good hand?

...And now he knows that I know that he knows...I mean...

I start to sweat a little, beginning to lose my cool. "You're full of it, Jimin. There's no way you have a better hand than mine." "Only one way to know for sure." Furiously, I take the dare. The cards flip, and suddenly everything goes dark and quiet.

Jimin doesn't just have a better hand; he has the best hand possible: four aces.

Oh no. No no no no!

I can see Rosé cover her mouth with both hands, eyes going wide. It's not an immediate defeat, but it shakes my confidence. I struggle to keep up after that, and every time Jimin is two steps ahead of me. But I lose, and I lose, and I lose...until the match is over. As if in slow motion, I look at my own scores, realising the terrible truth.

I'm in third place.

My whole body goes numb. "I... I lost." Jimin slaps me in the back, shaking me roughly as he passes. "There's no shame in losing, pal. Better luck next time!"

Desperate for this all this be just a horrific dream, I search the crowd for Rosé again. I find her standing stock still, absolutely devastated. But worse than that is the pure, pitch-black anger of her eyes. And all that rage, all that sorrow...is pointed directly at me.

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now