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Roseanne settles down on both knees before me, slinking up the edge of my skirt. She fastens the leather in place with a kiss, tongue stark red against the silver buckle. "Okay, okay, enough!" Bright red, I turn away from her and clear my throat. "Serves me right for asking your help getting dressed." "You know I'm better at taking it all off." Getting up, Roseanne winks and straightens her tie. "And I cant help myself around that leather holster you have, darling. You look so good in black."
Standing up, I take a glance at myself in the mirror. Roseanne had this suit custom made for me, making sure to incorporate my own usual style into it. The gun holster is a nice touch, if I say so myself. "I look like I belong." "You do look the part, but I want you to hang back. Just in case." The words surprise me. Turning to her, I tuck my hands into her suit jacket, feeling for the holster just over her chest. "You know how bad it made you feel when the others tried to exclude you from the plans?" "Mhm." She seems a little distracted still, taking my hand to kiss the back of my knuckles. So I press further, making sure she understands. "Rosie. Think, for a second." Guilt eats her expression, cutting right through her open lust.
I love Roseanne, because of how different she is from me. And I love her because in her I see a mirror, who I could have been. Someone who understands me. "Oh. Right. Sorry. Guess I should have known better." It's okay... I just want to make sure we're on the same page." She thinks about it, clearly torn. "I won't let you get hurt. But I won't get in your way, either." She relents. "Then again, you're a big girl, you can handle yourself." Then she pays my thigh holster again, shark-like grin biting into me with the next kiss. "That big thing strapped under your skirt's proof enough of that." "Rosie!" I get flustered again as she laughs.

Jisoo and the others are waiting for us at the doorway, looking sharp as ever. Jennie puts on some eyeliner, looking at her reflection on the blade of her katana. "Are we ready to get our reputation back?" "Born ready." Lisa responds grinning. "I trust Y/n memorised the maps as usual?" I nod, responding to Sunmi. "All up here. So it's gonna be Rosie and I, Jisoo and Lisa, and you're with Jennie." "Good luck out there." "Same to you."

We all take off in separate cars, arriving at the facility u der the cover of darkness. Lisa is near us, setting up the scope of a sniper rifle to check out the surroundings. One by one, Jisoo gives us the signal to move in, and we follow the plan like clockwork. Once we're safely inside, Lisa opens fire from above. One by one, sentries fall, and we stealthily head towards the inner rooms. "They should have transport for each package."

With Lisa and Jisoo watching our exit route, and Jennie and Sunmi clearing out the hallways, that
eaves Roseanne and I to appraise our loot. "Garbage. That's fake." She tosses a perfect replica of another famous jewel over her shoulder. "Can het a lot of money for the right fake. Smart guy, my brother." "That forgery was almost perfect. No wonder he fooled us - I bet Jungkook makes a fortune ripping off private collectors. Ones with keener eyes than us." Now that we know what to look for, it'll be harder to pull the same stunt on us twice.

That's when Roseanne whirls around. Standing u, she whips a hand out, catching someone by the wrist. "Ghh!-" Roseanne sends him flying and draws her gun, quickly squeezing out a row of deafening shots. Each one hits a target in the darkness, shadowy shapes crumpling down in pain. I'm not quite on the uptake, but soon I have my gun drawn as well. With icy fear rolling down my spine, I realise we are completely surrounded.
A voice speaks up behind us. Male, low, familiar. "You're the nosiest thieves I've ever encountered." Strutting in, Jungkook looks perfectly at ease. His expression is calm, neck straight. "Hey... Jungkook.". She speaks the way I feel, off-balance. Jungkook radiates no aggression at all, and it's throwing us both off. The bruises on him are almost gone, fading away after Roseanne's beat down. "You had to know this was going to happen eventually." "I know." He holds onto his jacket, straightening it out. Looking around him, he raises one eyebrow at his injured people. "It's why I left security a little light tonight. So you can talk to me, one on one."
Faintly, I can hear the pop of more gunfire in the distance. I want to run off and help my friends, but Jungkook is right there. I can't choose. And I can't move. "I'm supposed to believe you knew exactly when we'd be here?" My trigger finger twitches, ready to fire. "No one is that good." "There are if they selectively leak information. All of my men have different orders for different scenarios. When I found one of mine went missing, I knew he'd divulge this location at the right time." He smiles at me, the expression unnerving in how similar it looks to Roseanne's. "Now Chaeng, we can stand here and posture and crow and scratch at each other, if we can cut a deal." He reaches into his suit and I tense up, drawing my pistol at once. I aim it between his eyes. Jungkook pulls out a deck of cards and I relax, mostly out of confusion. "I know how much you love games." "You don't know Rosie at all. You gave up the right to know her a long time ago!"
"Gave up?" His lower lip drops slightly, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Don't even bother with the act, Jungkook. I'm here. You want to talk, I'm ready to talk. You have my attention." "We play a game for the necklace, of course." He folds the cards before letting them go, letting them snap in a controlled scatter. They flick from hand to hand, rattling like a snake. "What, poker?" "Its simple. It's an even playing field. And this is how you won the necklace to begin with." He draws an ace of spades, holding it between two fingers.  From far off, I can hear the sound of an explosion. "This all got out of hand. Let's end it in a civil manner." Jungkook flicks at the card with a finger. When I blink, the spade turns to a heart. "Do we agree?" "What do you get if you win? You already have the necklace." "Well, you're here to steal all this." He gestures his warehouse. "Take what you want, minus the necklace. If I win, I get it all back. And I get your cooperation. You will stop slicing your hounds on me. And... you come home with me to South Korea." "What? No way!" "Deal." We speak at the same time, conflicting each other. Tension spikes up at once and we meet each other's eyes, at odds once again. "If you lose..." "I won't." She sets a hand on my shoulder, knuckles bone white. "You have to trust me." There's pure conviction in her eyes. No more of that terrifying, dark anger. No more raw sadness manifesting as rage. So I take a deep breath. "Okay." I cover her hand with mine. "You got this." Her smile threatens to outshine the stars, but when she turns back to Jungkook it's vanished. "You got your match." "A pleasure doing business with you, Roseanne Park." He says the name almost mockingly, tipping an imaginary hat to us as he makes his way out.
Hand shaking, Roseanne calls Lisa. "I got the merch, let's get the hell out of here!" "Got it." Some of the gunfire peters out, angry shouts fading far behind us as Roseanne and I run. We meet up with Sunmi and Jennie on our way out, sweaty and panting raggedly.

Nobody tails any of our cars on the way home, where we all reconvene. "Did you get everything?" Jisoo asks. "... Most of it. Not the necklace." A significant look crosses between Roseanne and I. Jennie doesn't catch it, flopping down on the couch and gripping loudly. "That's the whole reason we went! How many times am I going to chase after this stupid necklace for you, Rosie?" "Not ever again, if I can help it."
"We spoke to Jungkook." Briefly, I explain the wager her had proposed. Even now it seems like his main motivation is just getting Roseanne to Korea, and he figures this is his best shot. "You and Jungkook are birds of a feather. He's almost definitely going to cheat." "So? I'll cheat too. It'll be A hustler vs hustler battle. No sweat, nothing we haven't done before." I sit next to her, but Roseanne pulls me onto her lap with a sharp tug. "You guys know Y/n is the only one who can beat me in a serious match." I try to see if anyone responds with a joke, but it looks like Roseanne is dead serious.

Spread out on her side of the living room, Jisoo rubs at her forehead. "Knew those guys gave up the fight way too easily. Jungkook must've told them to back off once the deal was made" She looks up at the ceiling, dark eyes searching for an answer. "You set a time and a place with him?" "No. But he gave us a way to reach him." She takes one of the boxes we'd stolen, bargaining clips I realise. Our stake in the match. Inside it is a single playing card with a phone number on it.
"Then I will. In person." Jennie stands up. "I will too. I'd really love to look this guy straight in the eyes." Taking the playing card, Jisoo pulls out her phone and dials. Roseanne and I sit as close together as we can, fingers tightly intertwined.


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