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Jennie turns out to be pretty good in the kitchen. Sunmi hovers unhelpfully in the background, trying to give us direction.

The scent brings everyone except Rosé into the dining room, Jisoo looking impressed despite herself. "Been a while since we all had lunch together." "Yeah."

Just like in my parent's house, Nox takes a spot right underneath the table to our down. Every so often I can see Lisa slipping him food of her plate when she thinks no one is looking.

Sheesh, no wonder he never listens to me anymore. These gangsters are spoiling my dog rotten.

"Is it good?" I ask Jisoo. "Mm. Yeah." "Go on, (Y/N). Ask her what you really mean." Under the table, Jennie bounces her knee against mine. Turning red, I kick her right back. "What?" Jisoo says it with a flat tone of voice, clearly expecting the worst. "She wants to know if Rosie will like it." Sunmi while eating. "...What are we, in high school? (Y/N), you should be focussing on the tournament."

But I can't focus on the tournament until I clear the air with Rosé.

I clutch my hands on my lap, shoulders hunched in. Though I don't say it, I'm sure my thoughts are broadcasted right on my face. Jisoo sighs, taking her plate and retreating back into her room.

"Well, since none of you seem to be poisoned, I'll take it to mean the food is edible, at least." "At least." Lisa sits back in her chair, stretching. "I'll take Rosie a plate."

I stand up. "No, I'll do it. You guys do the dishes, since I cooked." "What! I cooked too!" Ignoring Jennie, I take a plate and drink with me to Rosé's gambling room.

Inside, I see Rosé fiddling with the roulette wheel. She's cursing under her breath, a drink in one hand and the wheel jiggling noisily in the other.

"Everything all right?" Rosé stands up straight, her spine suddenly rigid. When she turns around, she has a guarded expression. "Yeah. Just think this might be broken." "That's a shame."

The empty air between us hums uncomfortably, awkward tension making me forget everything u wanted to say.

I can't handle this... Just what do I have to do to get her to talk to me?

"Uh...I cooked this." I set the plate down on the bar along with a glass of water. "Jennie helped." Her sculpted eyebrows quirk up in surprise.

Setting down her drink, Rosé hops up on the nearest barstool, dragging the palate to herself. "Thanks." Picking up a dumpling, Rosé surprises me by offering it to me first. "Oh..." I retreat a bit, looking away. "I already ate. Don't worry about me." Her shoulders lift in a shrug. The food vanishes in record time, and Rosé drains the glass of water too. "I didn't even realize how hungry I was."

Huh. well, she's not kicking me out yet. That's good. Right?

"Yeah, I get like that too sometimes." The urge to wring my hands is almost overwhelming, so I shove my hands into my pockets instead. To my surprise, I feel something soft and fuzzy in there. Clearing my throat, I pull the lucky rabbit's foot out of my pocket, offering it to Rosé without looking at her.

"This is yours. I'm already taking your bed, I don't feel right taking things from you. And not giving anything back..."

"You don't know how much you give me." 

Rosé presses her hand over mine, and for a second I think she's going to snatch the token and leave. But she stays, slowly edging the blue toy off my palm with her fingertips. "Girls don't usually stay after this." I still can't quite look at her, but my pulse jumps at the feeling of her nails gently tracing circles on my palm.

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now